
Hi! I’m Ticia, and this is my little corner of the internet. I’ve successfully homeschooled all three of my children and sent them out into the world. You’ll find our lives starting in preschool all the way up to present day. I loved homeschooling my kids and sharing our crazy messy lives and the fun adventures we had. You’ll see a lot of history, a smattering of science (though not quite as much as the kids got older as their science got more complicated), many books, and a lot of Bible. I hope I can give you the confidence to know you can homeschool your kids and teach your kids all about the Bible even if you don’t know all of the answers (spoiler, no one knows all of the answers). There are so many fun ways to learn, and writing about it gives me an excuse to keep learning and keep doing all this cool stuff even though my kids have graduated from homeschool.

  • Princess Diaries book club

    Princess Diaries book club

    Funny story, I went and wrote a Princess Diaries book club post where I had already created the pictures thinking, “That’s funny, why didn’t I publish this when I made these pictures years ago?” Well I did, so I’m republishing it,, but I’m going to add in my extra things from when I rewrote this…

  • Iowa Unit

    Iowa Unit

    Through the years we’ve tried many variations on our geography lesson and when the kids were little we did an Iowa Unit with the kids because their aunt was moving to Iowa, and then we did a slightly more formal version when we studied United States Geography as the states entered the union. Then when…

  • June 2024 in review

    June 2024 in review

    Ummmm I made the picture and then wrote nothing, oh boy, here goes (there are probably affiliate links in here) Week 1 Apparently I lied and I didn’t have this one put together. I’ll plead being partially sick most of this week (I’m writing on June 22). We finished off The Artist’s Stars & Stripes…

  • Zebra Unit

    Zebra Unit

    What is black and white and red all over? Now if this is said out loud the answer can either be a newspaper, you know back in the days when people would read newspapers, or a sunburned zebra. As I’m slowly pegging my way through a My Father’s World Booklist, and creating these booklists, here’s…

  • Connecticut Unit

    Connecticut Unit

    Every time I type the word Connecticut I think, “Connect I cut.” I know this is silly, but it’s helped me remember how to spell the state every time I start writing. We first studied Connecticut way back when the kids were little, but somehow I never wrote about our Connecticut Unit then, so now…

  • Simple Scone Recipe

    Simple Scone Recipe

    This is future Ticia 2019, I was looking for a scone recipe, and found this ages old post, and thought “Hey Ticia, you have no picture of the finished scone recipe, you should fix that.” Also, my husband desperately wants me to have a scone recipe that does not involve pumpkin like my so often…

  • Picture books made into movies

    Picture books made into movies

    I love picture books, even when my kids were in high school I would occasionally check out picture books that did a good job of conveying what I wanted them to learn in a lesson. I also love Books made into movies, but when my kids were the age we would have really done this,…

  • Victory in Europe, the end of World War 2

    Victory in Europe, the end of World War 2

    Hi! Future Ticia 2024 here, tomorrow is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and I thought it would be fun to republish this Victory in Europe lesson which shows how D-Day was part of a massive victory plan among the Allies. Now I return you to Past Ticia 2013. Victory in Europe at the end of…

  • May 2024 month in review

    May 2024 month in review

    Look how good I’m doing, it’s May 8 and I’m starting this post. But, also I’m scared for how insane I know the rest of the month will be. It’s going to be insane. (there are affiliate links in here) Week 1 I will have very few photos once the kids leave the house, unless…