
Hi! I’m Ticia, and this is my little corner of the internet. I’ve successfully homeschooled all three of my children and sent them out into the world. You’ll find our lives starting in preschool all the way up to present day. I loved homeschooling my kids and sharing our crazy messy lives and the fun adventures we had. You’ll see a lot of history, a smattering of science (though not quite as much as the kids got older as their science got more complicated), many books, and a lot of Bible. I hope I can give you the confidence to know you can homeschool your kids and teach your kids all about the Bible even if you don’t know all of the answers (spoiler, no one knows all of the answers). There are so many fun ways to learn, and writing about it gives me an excuse to keep learning and keep doing all this cool stuff even though my kids have graduated from homeschool.

  • Syria Unit

    Syria Unit

    I was going through my emails to find a recipe and saw my Syria unit recipe and thought, ‘Why do I still have this email? I already wrote this,’ then I came over here to discover, no I never actually wrote my Syria unit. I just thought I had written it. So years ago we…

  • Land Animals Unit

    Land Animals Unit



    Apologia Science is a wildly popular homeschool science curriculum and a great spine for building your science lessons. When my kids were in elementary school we used them, and we I’ve created a lot of lessons for our land animals unit, and I wanted to put them all together in one place rather than scattered…

  • West Virginia Unit

    West Virginia Unit

    As I write these posts I try to find pictures that capture the idea of the state. There is no specific “this location says West Virginia,” instead I think of rolling mountains covered in trees, and I start hearing a sort of vague blue grass song in my head that I don’t even really know…

  • Creating small discipleship habits

    Creating small discipleship habits



    Figuring out how to disciple our kids can be a tricky thing. Some of us grew up in the church but had families that didn’t have a plan for discipleship at home so we don’t know how we want to teach our own kids. Some of us didn’t grow up in the church and are…

  • September 2024 in review

    September 2024 in review

    September is busy. I don’t know why I thought life would calm down once the kids were in college.Can anyone tell me why I thought that would happen? I clearly was delusional.(there are affiliate links)Week 1This is going to be all out of order in my telling.I’ll start ith the big picture. Our homeschool co-op,…

  • Design a Siege Tower

    Design a Siege Tower

    When we talk about technology we always think in terms of digital items. We think something that involves a screen most likely because that’s what technology has been recently. But thousands of years ago technological advances were much simpler it was the inclined plane or the screw. When the Assyrian Empire was around they created…

  • Homeschool Halloween

    Homeschool Halloween

    Halloween is a contentious subject among homeschoolers, but my kids love to dress up and pretend, so it’s a big hit in our family and because of that, we’ve had a lot of Homeschool Halloween lessons.  Of course, our lessons have become less common as the kids have grown older.  There were quite a lot…

  • Hezekiah sundial craft

    Hezekiah sundial craft

    I’m back to teaching Sunday School and in my current class, we have an extended time for crafts AND a bigger craft budget so I get to plan bigger and more fun crafts for our Bible lessons. We’re almost done with our study of the Divided Israel, and we learned about Hezekiah last week. One…

  • Nature Study

    Nature Study



    Almost every homeschooler has written down for their science lessons, nature study. That can mean a wide variety of things. At one point I had a blog I followed that was entirely devoted to “The Handbook of Nature Study,” and it had a nice calming rain and nature sound that played when you opened it.…