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Hi! I’m Ticia, and this is my little corner of the internet. I’ve successfully homeschooled all three of my children and sent them out into the world. You’ll find our lives starting in preschool all the way up to present day. I loved homeschooling my kids and sharing our crazy messy lives and the fun adventures we had. You’ll see a lot of history, a smattering of science (though not quite as much as the kids got older as their science got more complicated), many books, and a lot of Bible. I hope I can give you the confidence to know you can homeschool your kids and teach your kids all about the Bible even if you don’t know all of the answers (spoiler, no one knows all of the answers). There are so many fun ways to learn, and writing about it gives me an excuse to keep learning and keep doing all this cool stuff even though my kids have graduated from homeschool.
February 2025 in Review
Sigh, it’s March 4 and I’m just now starting this, and I’m already feeling overwhelmed with March. It’s just that kind of start to the year.(there are affiliate links in here)Week 1The first few days of February were boring, but then Mom and I went up to visit Batman, and spent the first weekend visiting…
Jesus Feeds the 5000 Unit
Hi! Okay, so I went to go look at my Jesus Feeds the 5000 Unit post and realized, I had it with the Jesus Walks on Water Unit, but the URL is for Jesus walks on water, and so I realized, why don’t I just copy that over into a new post, rather than writing…
Botany Unit
We never officially studied botany in our science lessons. We just ran into the occasional botany lesson, and I think we may have had a short botany unit when we had a year of zoology. Mainly because I remember having a lesson about different leaf types. Okay, but either way, I was realizing I had…
Making a mummy
We started studying Egypt this week in our homeschool history lesson, and what do you think of when you think of Egypt, but mummies. So, taking a page from the Story of the World Ancient History lessons, we’re making a mummy.Warning, not for the easily grossed out, or germ-o-phobes.Hi, Future Ticia 2025 here, and I’m…
Peru Unit
I was looking for old posts to share and found a chicken soup post to share, I’m reading it and realized it was from back when I was doing Around the World in 12 Dishes, and it was a Peru dish. It was an interesting flash from the past. It was also probably not a…
Why Did the Exodus Happen Review
Do you want to hear something funny? There were slave owners who made Bibles without the book of Exodus because they did not want their enslaved people to know it was possible to escape slavery. They didn’t want them to know that God led the Israelites out of slavery, so they just removed the entire…
Ghana Unit
I always try to find a picture from each country that I write about. This can be challenging because I want to find something that represents that country and frequently what we think of is cultural dress, but I don’t want to picture the people, and I don’t want to fall into stereotypes. I ran…
January 2025 month in review
Y’all we are almost 1/4 of the way through the 21 century, how is that for weird?(there are affiliate links in here)Week 1Most of my pictures are from the first few days before Batman left to head back to the army. This will probably be the week that has the most pictures.We played a whole…