101 Dalmatians book and a movie feature 4th grade

Can you spot this fun movie night? 101 Dalmatians movie night

At some point as a child my Mom revealed to me her absolute favorite Disney movie was 101 Dalmations. I remember more than one time having a 101 Dalmatians movie night together. One day while I was wandering through my favorite place in the whole wide world, I found a copy of 101 Dalmations book. Before that, I hadn’t known it was a book. I mean it makes sense because Disney didn’t actually  make original movies at that time (and there’s certainly an argument for less so now). At my tender age of 11 this was earth-shattering to me, and being the dutiful daughter I was, I promptly bought the book for my Mom and gave it to her for her birthday. She was not as enamored or as excited by the idea as I was. Now, when I gave Princess a chance to read the book, she jumped at it and tore through 101 Dalmatians in no time. This, of course, led to a 101 Dalmatians book and a movie night.

101 Dalmations book turned into a movie

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101 Dalmatians summary

101 Dalmatians summary

When Pongo and Perdita have puppies all seems like it’s going to be well, until Cruella De Vil tries to buy the puppies. When their ‘pets’ refuse to allow her to buy them she threatens something will happen, and it does. The puppies are kidnapped and Pongo and Perdita must work together to get their puppies back before they get turned into coats.

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101 Dalmatians movie night snacks

We watched both versions of 101 Dalmatians. My kids vastly preferred the cartoon version, thinking the live action one was a bit too silly. Also, I’ve had to correct my spelling of Dalmatian a zillion times because I keep thinking that final “A” should be an “O”.


101 Dalmatians movie night snacks

We didn’t have a lot of snacks for the movie this time because I let Princess come up with the snacks, but I just thought of another snack we could add in, that I’ll add to the list.

  • Dalmatians- this is the obvious one. I made a batch of chocolate cookies (adding 1/4 cup of chocolate powder to 1/2 batch of our Santa cookie recipe) and mixed it up with the plain Santa cookie recipe so it made a fun mottle and spotted cookie, then used the dog cookie cutter from the 50 animal shapes (that really was the best buy)
  • snow- powdered sugar donuts because they had to hide in the snow
  • bolts- pretzel sticks, she insisted this was very important
  • frozen lake- sprite, because we always try to have a drink of some sort
  • dog treats- Scooby Snacks (I like this set because it has several different types that would work for movie night snacks)
  • Cruella DeVil- zebra cakes (the price on Amazon is INSANE!), I just thought of this and wish I’d thought of it earlier.


Some more fun 4th-grade ideas

I’m attempting to go back in and put grade levels with all the activities we’ve done, but right now it’s pretty much the book and a movie ideas that have grade levels.


2 responses to “Can you spot this fun movie night? 101 Dalmatians movie night”

  1. Believe it or not, I have never watched that movie (or read the book). I like the idea of chocolate cookies to go with it.

    1. What?????? I used to watch it all the time when I went babysitting. It was a big hit with all the kids.

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