11th grade books made into movies reading

11th grade books made into movies

One of my most disturbing required reading books was read in 11th grade. Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston. With 20 years distance, I’m not entirely sure what bothered me about it, but it did. In all honesty, I didn’t enjoy much of my required reading in 11th grade. In public school, 11th grade means American literature. Some of those were books made into a movie, and that made it marginally better. Because I don’t want my kids to relive the pain of American Lit, my 11th-grade books made into movies is not solely American Lit.

Seriously, I hated that year of A.P. Lit, the teacher didn’t help at all, and then we didn’t read a single Shakespeare play.


11th grade books made into movies perfect for #highschoo #literature or #bookclub #bookandmovie #homeschooling

(there are so many affiliate links in here)

I’m gonna apologize in advance for my many rants I go on.

Hi, Future Ticia 2023 here, I’m updating the list and while I originally organized this into the different categories, I’m not going to do that anymore. You’ll still see the images from when I did that, but now I’m putting them in the order of the bookmarks, which splits up different genres, topics, and attempts to give some levity in each list. If I can. It doesn’t always happen.

The Dreaded American Literature books made into movies

11th grade books made into movies list 1

I left the original heading, but made it much smaller because I find my opinions hilarious. You too need to see my humor and laugh at it.

American Lit to read in 11th grade books made into movies #readthebook #thebookisbetter #movieschooling

Okay, some of these aren’t terrible. I’m of course only including classic American literature, though I could put Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter in this list…

  1. Huck Finn [movie] [post]- I’ve grown to like this much more than I did in high school (Huck Finn book club)- we did this as part of a growing unit on how the United States has treated race relations, that was a tough unit
  2. Earthsea [movie]- Next time I update my movie lists, I might move this down to junior high, the only reason it’s really this high up is so the books aren’t all these super heavy depressing books- I clearly did not move it further down still
  3. Jane Eyre [movie]- I’ve tried reading this several times, stupid gothic literature
  4. Grapes of Wrath [movie]- this book introduced me to the concept of a Christ character with the blatant use of a character with the initials J.C. who died in a cross pose. Stupid book
  5. Horatio Hornblower [movie]- we actually listened to the first as an audiobook years ago
  6. Emma [movie](Emma 2020)- Jane Austen is my exception on this list (Emma book club)- huh, I haven’t written this one up yet, I love the 2020 movie
  7. Les Miserables [movie]- Okay, I like this one too. That makes two exceptions. (Les Miserables book club)
  8. Hunchback of Notre Dame [movie]- Victor Hugo was paid by the line. They had to make a rule that his lines had to have a minimum number of words. He was the master of short quips for his characters. I’m also going to link to the Disney cartoon that has some of the same names
  9. Great Gatsby [movie]- why does everyone think this book is so romantic? It’s the glorification of an affair, and a rum runner. Reading it shortly after my parents’ marriage broke up because of my Dad’s affair probably did not help my opinion of this stupid book – I was going to have my kids read this book when we hit the Roaring 20s and they rebelled, outright rebelled and picked other books to read from the list. Superman chose to read All Quiet on the Western Front over this! And Batman read War Horse! WAR HORSE! I refused to watch the movie again, it’s so depressing. All Quiet on the Western Front was bad enough
  10. Anna Karenina [movie]

Before I go too far into this 11th-grade books made into movies

11th grade books made into movies for homeschooling

Let’s take a moment to visit the other high school books made into movies. Now, I split these up into grades, but as I’ve said in the other editions, you can pretty much pick and choose from the different lists for however you want.

Other classic 11th grade books made into movies

Total honesty, most of these I haven’t read. Some of them are on my someday list, but most fall into the time period of classic lit I avoid because the writing style drives me nuts

Classic books made into movies #highschool #readthemovie #homeschooling
  1. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court [movie]- a book about British monarchy written by the great Mark Twain… Jeff swears it’s hilarious
  2. Vanity Fair [movie]- I understand there are zillions of movie versions, I’ve heard this is best
  3. Brothers Karamazov [movie]- I usually heard this described as “It’s Russian.” That’s all that is said, but it’s said with a laugh
  4. French Lieutenant’s Woman [movie]
  5. Under My Skin [movie]- I don’t think the book and movie I’ve found go together, also when searching up the movie the very bottom “thing” that popped up on Amazon was…. I don’t know what (it was in Japanese), and I’m not sure what the image was, and I really don’t want to know
  6. Island of Dr. Moreau [movie]
  7. Hamlet (Mel Gibson movie) (Kenneth Branaugh movie) – I did not realize the Mel Gibson one was Franco Zeferilli. I would love to study this and then read/watch Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
  8. Antony and Cleopatra (movie)- this could work great if you studied Julius Caesar the year before
  9. Bleak House [movie]
  10. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter [movie]- this is the most ridiculously cheesy movie ever, if you like stupid violent schlock, it’s fun, just like I gave something to those who like rom-coms, here’s something for the action movie people. Besides, this could be a fun book/movie to discuss. But it’s bad. (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter book club)- Batman chose this as a just for fun book over the summer and we had an interesting discussion after he read it

Modern 11th-grade books made into a movie that will spark conversation, list 3

I’m probably going to break this into two parts because this part of the 11th-grade books made into movies is that long.

There have been some interesting books in the last 20/30 years.

modern books for high school made into movies #bookandmovie #movieschooling #highschool
  1. American Sniper [movie]
  2. Bone Collector [movie]
  3. Girl with a Pearl Earring [movie]
  4. Fight Club [movie]
  5. Handmaid’s Tale [movie]
  6. Amistad [movie]
  7. Thirteen Reasons Why [movie]- I almost didn’t include this one because of the controversies over glorifying suicide, and I have real problems with that idea, so take that with a giant grain of salt that it’s on the list right now. It might not appear on future lists
  8. Me Before You [movie]- This is also almost not on the list for similar reasons
  9. World War Z [movie]- Jeff is eagerly looking forward to the boys reading this and discussing it with him, because I don’t touch zombies with a 10 foot pole.
  10. Jane Austen Bookclub [movie]- After all this heavy stuff, I thought it would be fun to include something a bit lighter

Hey! This list didn’t need to be changed around at all, so I’m just going to restore the original name I had for it.

11th grade books made into movies list 4

I still think a bunch of these could make great discussions, there are also a few that are just in here for fun.

Sometimes it’s good to just read something for fun.

  1. Gone with the Wind [movie]– on Frock Flicks they call it Southern propaganda, do with that what you will, I haven’t read the book, but watched the movie for Film Appreciation
  2. Last of the Mohicans [movie]- I totally thought this was written by an Irish author.
  3. Count of Monte Cristo [movie]
  4. Of Mice and Men [movie]- I hated this book, John Malkovich was great in the movie, but I hated the entire thing
  5. David Copperfield [movie]- DICKENS, enough said
  6. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [movie] [Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde book club], huh I haven’t written this one yet]- one of my boys read this a few years ago, and we found a truly awful movie version of this book, faithful to events more or less, but so boring
  7. Silence [movie]
  8. Unbroken [movie]
  9. War Horse [movie]- I’m never assigning this one, I saw the movie and I KNOW my daughter would not do well with it, I didn’t do well with it. It’s emotionally draining (War Horse book club)
  10. 12 Years a Slave [movie]

11th grade books made into movies for movieschooling


2 responses to “11th grade books made into movies”

  1. This is a great list. I might direct A to some of these books. She will be taking American Lit next year.

  2. That seems strange to dedicate an entire year of high school only to American Lit.

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