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2012 Memories
Hi! Future Ticia 2023 here, as I’m reorganizing my blog, I’m combining posts and deleting posts and generally redirecting a bunch of stuff, and I wanted a solid place to put some 2012 memories, hence the creation of this post. I’m sure it will be updated a lot over the next few months.
Beware the Salad Monsters (January 4)
Saying my boys like salad would be an understatement. The little bandits are quite sneaky about it, or not so sneaky.

It started with a simple invade Daddy’s salad, and eat it all. Then they started reaching across to mine…….

We gave in and gave them the last scraps in the bowl and that’s when the true fiendishness started. TWO FORKS APIECE, and then Batman upped the ante with THREE FORKS.
Only problem is it’s not super effective for actually getting the food to your mouth.
Guess what my boys are starting? January 11

They might be a little excited about this. And by a little, the day they started they spent all day asking “Is it time yet?”
My dog secretly thinks he is a cat January 14

This is my dog. He’s small for a mini-schnauzer, and weighs about the same as most cats. I think he got confused and decided he’s a cat. (Future Ticia 2024 has combined the photos into one collage).
I have a bad habit, and I know it. I put the leftovers on the kitchen table when we get back from somewhere and then walk off to put my shoes away intending to come back.
This doesn’t always happen.
This particular time as I was taking my shoes off, I stopped to look up a detail on the art project we were about to complete. I then got distracted answering an email and then the kids were all set to head off and start the project without me. No joke.
So, I headed up and started it up. I send them off for a rest and then head off to spoil myself with a bath. As I’m laying there soaking said “dog” comes up smelling of Shanghai chicken.
I wrap the bathrobe around me and see the above picture on the floor. Notice he didn’t eat the rice. He jumped from the chair to the table, and knocked it on the floor in eating what would have made a full other meal for the kids and I.
He is now spending some quality time outside contemplating just what he did. I don’t think he looks sorry, what do you think?
Ha ha ha ha
This made me laugh way more than it should have.

Really Batman, you’re a baby? February 1
I’ve been slowly working on my house and go back and forth on having 3 of the rooms upstairs under control (mind that was when I first worked on this draft, now the kids have trashed one of those because of Christmas), and started working on the kitchen with the small step of cleaning out one cabinet that hasn’t been cleaned out since the kids were babies.
How do I know this, well it was filled with baby bottles, filthy bibs, and various things you need when nursing a baby……..

He thought it was quite hilarious to put the bib on himself and start feeding himself water soup from the baby bowl using the baby spoon. I have had more fights over the one functional bottle that was found this week than I would have thought. But, it’s all boxed up and off to Salvation Army.
Okay, the bibs were all thrown away once I got them off of Batman’s neck.
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