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4 Find Jesus at the temple crafts
I think there are some really interesting crafts you can do with the Boy Jesus at the temple. When brainstorming new Bible lessons, all of the fun Boy Jesus at the temple crafts I could do. It turned into a whole slew of fun ideas.

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Funny story, I had started writing another post related to this story, and I was halfway through writing it when I went to go check and I already had edited pictures, that’s odd I thought, but some of the time when I was working on making the unit I would pre-edit pictures for the post, so I thought that was it, but then I was trying to link to the unit post and looked up Boy Jesus at the temple chart and discovered I had already written it, so I deleted all of that and started over. This is the problem when I do not record I have written stuff.
Supplies for Boy Jesus at the temple crafts
Boy Jesus at the temple unit, markers or other coloring items, scissors, gluestick (that price has gone up a bunch since I last bought it a year ago)
Boy Jesus at the temple craft 1: a maze
This is really simple, it’s the type of craft I like for as people are coming in or as they are being picked up.

I know technically it’s not a craft, but it was a fun one to put together (you can choose color or black and white for coloring) when you print it off for your Sunday School class.
Ordinarily, I’m not a fan of worksheets like this, but this is exactly perfect for kids coming in and out. The key here is what you do while they’re doing the maze. This could be an opportunity to do some housekeeping like attendance or prepping for telling the story, or you could sit there and just talk with them, see what their life is like.
But, I had a fun making this.
Boy Jesus at the temple craft 2: cootie-catcher
As a kid I knew these as fortune tellers, we would make them, and write down really stupid fortunes, usually related to other people we knew.
However, with the advent of the internet, I’ve seen so many fun ways to use what I now see called cootie catchers as a way to extend learning or be a fun craft.

There is no great theological lesson here, unless you count how Mary and Joseph had to look everywhere for Him, and thinking how it feels to lose something or someone important to you and how desperately you search for it.
If you want to talk about how something like this adds skills, it works on fine motor control. Learning how to precisely fold paper is a skill.
But, it’s still not a super traditional craft, so let me show you the traditional craft.

Boy Jesus at the Temple craft: foldable book
I love minibooks. My kids never have, and I wish that wasn’t true. So, let’s talk about this craft. It’s got cutting, folding, coloring, and gluing.
Lots of great fine-motor skills.

This craft concentrates on where they found Jesus. We get to color the outside of the temple, and then color the priests who are talking with Jesus and glue it in the book.
It’s a cute little craft. I’d talk more about it, but just like how the printable is in the unit, so are step-by-step instructions with pictures.
Boy Jesus at the temple game
Okay, so right after I made the image saying “Boy Jesus at the temple crafts and a game,” I realized I had already written about the game.

So, let me think how can I make a new game…
I would print off the Boy Jesus at the temple lift the flap book. I would print out two copies of the different flaps on cardstock, and cut them into cards, and create a memory game.
Voila, I just invented a new game.
2 responses to “4 Find Jesus at the temple crafts”
These are very cool activities for this story.
Love your ideas!
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