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About Us

Welcome to our little corner of the world.

I’m Ticia, and I’ll be guiding you on this journey here, so let me tell you a little bit about myself and our life here.

I’m a former elementary teacher who decided to stay home with her twins when they were born, daycare would not have made sense on a teacher’s salary, besides I’d always wanted to stay home with my kids. When I was teaching I always loved finding hands-on ways to teach a concept, and that continued with my kids when I came home. I didn’t originally think I was going to be homeschooling, but God has quite a sense of humor.

About God, I’m a Christian and part of what I write about is how I’m teaching my kids about the Bible. I’ve been writing a curriculum that takes you through the Bible in about 2 years, give or take a week. I’m hoping this curriculum will bless other families and help them to learn about God as well. Look at how cute and little my boys are there, they’re not that little now.

I write primarily about the books we read, history lessons, and our homeschool Bible with random posts about books we’ve found, crafts we’ve done, and other things that catch my interest thrown in. It’s taken me some time to narrow this down, but I’ve figured these areas are where my passion lies.
Let me introduce you to the other members of our family.

Superman is my oldest at 18 years old, by all of 2 minutes (this is as of 2023, I did my last birthday post for the boys this year, I figure they’re adults and now it’s time to write their own story). He has a great grin and you can always count on him to have a fun idea or a way to entertain everyone else. He loves to tell you a joke and make you laugh and is my biggest hugger, which always makes me happy. He loves to build with Legos, and any lesson I add Legos into is a big hit with him. Someday he plans to be an engineer, so I’m always on the lookout for projects to encourage that. He is sticking around to get some of the basics done at the community college before heading off to a 4 year school.

Batman is my second twin. He is of course also 16 years old. Batman has a great grin (when you can get him to smile)and is my child most likely to give you a serious answer to the question. He’s Mommy’s little helper and always there to get something done. Batman loves to build and figure out how the world works, he currently plans on being a chef firefighter when he grows up. He has chosen to go into the army after high school to become a combat medic and then will decide if he’ll be a career military or become a paramedic or firefighter.

Oh, my little girl, we used to call you Princess, but you objected to that and said, “That may have fit when I was four, but that’s not who I am now,” and she’s right. Instead, she’s The Artist, so if you see either of those names you’ll now know who we’re talking about. She is 16 years old going on “I’m an adult Mom”. The Artist is bright, engaging, catches on very quickly, and loves to have her own way. She will someday be leading the country if she doesn’t decide that was too small an ambition and decides to conquer the world. She’s my sensitive artist. She plans to be a writer when she grows up and is given plenty of extra chances to write. She now plans to be a counselor and an author on the side. I’m looking into ways to help support that, but haven’t found them yet.

This is my husband Jeff. He’s a programmer and helps me out from time to time when I am about to throw things at my computer.
He’s a little camera shy, unlike my kids who are camera hogs, so it’s hard to find pictures of him. But, I love him and have been married to him for over a decade.
We’re a good match and share many interests. In particular, books, and when we went on our honeymoon managed to go over the weight limit in our luggage with all the new books we’d bought.
So, that’s my family.
Now, let me point you to a few helpful posts
- Homeschooling, the how, why, and what– goodness I need to update this to my current logo, adds to my forever and a day long to do list
- My Store– as I homeschool and teach Sunday School through the years I’ve created our own materials, and I’ve been slowly polishing it up and adding to the store
- Curriculum through the years, this includes many curriculum reviews I’ve done
Now to some business details:
If you want to contact me, here’s MY EMAIL.
I do occasionally receive free products for review. When I do I will always say that in the post. I will still give my honest opinion. I generally do not agree to review something unless I think I will like it, that is why my reviews are positive. I don’t want to waste my time or other people’s time reviewing products I won’t like.
I do include affiliate links. Honestly, at this point, I’m not really making a lot of money from them, a few dollars here or there if that, but I want to make sure you know.
I have affiliate links for Amazon, All About Learning Press, and SevenSisters Homeschool fairly frequently, as well as a few other random places from time to time.
All of these are companies that I use and enjoy their stuff, so I can suggest using them.