An odd combination post

There was two questions I wanted to answer this week, but didn’t quite want to overwhelm you with lots and lots of posts, so I’m putting them both in the same post, even if they don’t really have much to do with each other.

Question 1:  What’s the craziest thing someone has said to you about your twins or asked you?

I’d have to agree with most of the people who commented on the actual post: “Are they natural?”
No, I have robot babies.  I know what the intent behind the question was, but it was most often asked by people who I didn’t know.  Yes, grocery store clerk I’m really going to tell you my intimate life story.  But, since you did ask, yes they are natural I’m part of the 2% of the Caucasian population that spontaneously has twins.  And yes, that does mean I am more likely to have twins in the future.

I was always surprised that this brought up follow-up questions from the grocery store clerk, are you going to have them by naturally, or will you have drugs?  Do you plan to have a C-section?  Will you breastfeed them?  Come on people, I don’t even know your name.

This was then later followed by the ever-popular, “better you than me,” or the “I don’ know if I have the patience for twins.”   I have gotten so many variations on that.  It became even more ridiculous when I was pregnant with Princess, and suddenly everyone felt the right to express opinions about my reproductive system.
And for those who are wondering, it’s Batman in blue, and Superman has the stripes.  Back then Batman always wore blue, and then the boys totally messed us up by Superman deciding that blue was his favorite color and 2.5.  Totally messed with everyone’s minds.

What’s my favorite subject to teach the kids?

This is a surprisingly hard question to answer…….  And here’s my kind of odd answer.  I don’t really have a favorite.  There are so many fun things to do with each of the different subject areas that I like all of them.  I’d have to say the mechanics of teaching to read are probably my least favorite, but I like the actual reading.  I love reading picture books to my kids, I love reading books myself, and I’m eagerly looking forward to my kids reading all sorts of books.

I was a history minor in college, which really doesn’t go with an elementary education degree, but I loved history and that gave me an excuse to take more classes.  So, I’m looking forward to teaching my kids history.

And as you can guess I love the hands on part of science and figuring out how things work.  I love all the different aspects of biology and astronomy and the like.  I think my senior year of high school I took 2 different science and 2 different history classes (if you count government and economics as history), and would have also taken psychology, but it wasn’t possible to fit it into my schedule.  So, instead I took the boring version of it and didn’t get college credit.  Darn.

And by the way, doesn’t she look precious studying the caterpillar on her puppy?

Because oven mitts help with writing

Or that’s what Batman thinks.

Hello? Mimi?

“Mimi did you know that you’re supposed to love God?”

“We’re coming over to your house tonight.”

“I was just talking to Mimi.”

And that’s what I turned around to see while I’m busy writing my posts for the week. 

Happy Anniversary to me!

Eight years ago today I married my Prince Charming.  He’s the one on the right (in that top left picture, says Future Ticia 2024 who changed this into a picture), at the swing dance we met at.  Jeff says, and I’ll admit he is right, we actually met earlier in Sunday School, but this is where I first remember Jeff really catching my eye.

About nine years ago our church was having its first ever annual swing dance (that was only held once), and I was debating about going.  I really wanted to go because I love to dance, and I’d been taking dance lessons so I actually knew how to swing dance.  But, I had a friend who was graduating up in Abilene, and I wanted to go to his graduation.  I had another friend who had invited me down to go with her down to Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and I was really debating on this whole thing.  But, finally I felt God’s still quiet voice telling me I needed to go to this dance.  So, I did.  And obviously now I know why.

And a little over a year later we were married.  It was a very crazy year that year.  That was the year of 9-11, and my first year teaching, and the year my Dad died.   I don’t know how I would have survived all of that without Jeff.  I had a super hard year teaching, and my Dad’s sickness was hard on me and my extended family.

Since I met him Jeff has been a rock for me, and I’m so glad he has.

Since day one, he’s been a good Daddy.  He plays with the kids, and has fun with them.  And he can tell them no when it’s required.
The other day he came home and played hide and seek with the kids.  It was so cute!

There’s just something cute about a guy who is playing with kids, isn’t there?

How’s another eight years sound Jeff?  (this would sound a lot better if this were 10 or another multiple of ten, but hey this works).


12 responses to “An odd combination post”

  1. Joyful Learner Avatar
    Joyful Learner

    All this time, I thought it was the Koreans who asked rude, invasive questions…

    I was a history minor too! I'm not sure why high school social studies were so boring when college history was fascinating!

  2. littlewondersdays Avatar

    Twin questions really get odd sometimes don't they. My favorite is a series of questions- 1st- Are they twins? (yes), 2nd- Are they both yours? (What??). This has happened several times. And they don't mean are they my kids!
    I don't have a favorite subject either, but if forced to choose it would be science.

  3. This is nice “two for one” post. Too funny about twins question. I remember my coworker getting a call from his wife during a dinner that we had in a country far-far away. She told him that they are going to have twins. Poor guy almost choked on his drink. This is as close as I ever got to having people in my immediate environment having twins.

  4. Debbie Avatar

    I love it, “Are they natural?” I miscarried my son's twin very early in my pregnancy, that is the closest I have ever come to experiencing twins.

    I love your answer about what subject you like to teach. I enjoy teaching history and geography because I can incorporate so many subjects into them, I guess I to enjoy all the subjects. Funny how we all have our different perspectives.

  5. Felicity Avatar

    Hi there, I hopped on over here from the Blog Hop. I enjoyed your answers to both questions. Although I never had twins, I got asked some pretty weird questions about my pregnancies too…

  6. Mama Hen Avatar
    Mama Hen

    I don't have twins, but I have two that many mistake for twins. People love to say, “Better you than me.” I want to say, “Yes, and I am so glad.”

  7. Christy Avatar

    It amazes me that people think nothing about asking strangers such personal questions.

    Collin and Reagan are 18 months apart and people always ask if they are twins, but other than that, I have no twin experience. I always thought it would be fun to have twins. I always wonder what it's like to be a sibling of twins because twins seem to get so much attention from strangers just because they are twins.

    I really enjoyed this post.

  8. History is our second choice over Science and Health. I can not wait to start our new curriculum for next year! Have a happy summer.

  9. History is a favorite of mine too, but I think mostly (for the whole family) science and health are the winner(s). We are excited for next year's curriculum in Science and in History! Have a Happy Summer! 😉

  10. MaryAnne Avatar

    That photo of princess is darling! I'm always surprised at what strangers think it's okay to ask…

  11. Nadia@FunWithMama Avatar

    lol people can be so nosey.. i would never think to ask someone i dont know any of those questions!

  12. Kylie Avatar

    You know there is a huge par to of me that thinks the same, I do really enjoy many elements of most subjects. It was hard to choose just one. 🙂

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