April 2021 month in Review

It’s a new month! How crazy is that.



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April week 1

We ran out of Leezard’s anti-seizure medicine, but I headed off to the pharmacy to go and get it, and for some unknown reason I decided to take Leezard with me. This was a mistake as she decided she needed to sit between me and the back of my chair, and it was not exactly a safe way to drive, so the next time I think, “I’ll give the dog a special treat and take her with me to get her medicine. It’ll be fun.” Hit me upside the head and remind me how terribly this went.

But, the boys finally had their birthday party the day before Easter, and we happily had a giant houseful of boys. We made 10 pounds worth of baked potatoes, 3 pounds of taco meat, and a few pounds of other random meats the kids went through. In the end, I had 3 potatoes left.

It was kind of awesome to see all these teens together celebrating. It made me smile.

The next day we had Easter, and we greeted my niece and nephew with Princess in my t-rex costume, and they sat there looking in shock as they tried to decide what to do in the car before finally getting out.

The most hilarious part of it came later when my two-year-old niece was insisting that all the Easter eggs she found were dinosaur eggs.

My brother reviewed Nobody, and I thought, “That’s a movie Jeff would probably like,” so I made him take time off of work to go see it on Wednesday at the movie theater, and it was a lot of fun. It’s super violent, which is not really my cup of tea, but it was a fun story, and he just went (on Sunday, April 11) and took the boys to go see it together.

The boys pooled together the money they got from their birthday party and the gift certificates they got and picked up a Pacific Rim board game. They report to me it’s a super fun game and they thoroughly enjoyed it. So, I’ll assume it was good.

Not pictured, are two pictures of meals to finish off our Europe studies and started/continued our Asia studies (I need to double-check before I get too far which countries these were, seriously my plan to get through all these countries means I’m having a hard time keeping track of which meals I’m making for who).

April 2021 week 2

It was a bit of a strange week. Not that these pictures are in any sort of chronological order, so I’ll take them in order from top left to bottom right.

I was talking with Princess how I was working on creating an expanded Fall of Man unit, and I was trying to think of good activities or projects to do with Cain and Abel. She jokingly responded, “Don’t kill your brother!” I thought, “That’s a great jumping-off point,” and it turned into this weird don’t lose your temper game, which seems to be more or less working as I try figuring out if this is a workable game.

Next up, we watched Good Omens, and one of the snacks I had was prophecies, which was going to be graham crackers and marshmallow fluff, since the prophecies are so nicely put together in little envelopes, BUT someone ate all of the graham crackers, so the kids started cackling like mad and made some potions for it out of horrid stuff. Jeff then made some for our family gaming campaign that next night, which meant we all looked in horror at the different bottles before finally drinking them.

We had a brief hail storm, and I mean very brief. Here’s the timeline from my Instagram post:


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I randomly decided I wanted to do a puzzle again, so I pulled out my old talking puzzle, which is this fun concept of putting the puzzle together in scenes and using the clues in the scenes to figure out what the puzzle looks like. They’re out of print now, but I got several of them when they were in print, and occasionally pop onto Ebay to pick up another one.

Though, that is getting expensive now.

I was watching Gilmore Girls with Princess while the boys were at Kung Fu, I was attempting to work on the quilt block that’s in the next picture, but Leezard was quite sure she would rather be on my lap and that I definitely needed to be scratching her tummy. So I gave up on sewing, and made Princess get a picture for me.

And finally is one of the two quilt blocks I was sewing. The other one was a coral.

April 2021 week 3

Leezard continues to amuse us as she sits in weird ways, like this half on, but really mostly off the couch, and so I continue to take pictures of this.

We finished up Princess’ level award project for AHG, and mailed off the boxes to the missionaries, and WOW it’s amazing how expensive it is to mail things overseas.

We FINALLY sat down and played a game I got for Christmas in 2019, it got buried under a few things, but I finally said, “I don’t care we’re going to play this,” and it was a lot of fun to play Chrononauts, though there was much discussion on just how to play certain parts of the game. I want to try it again and see how it goes now that we’ve actually played it once.

I like to get pictures of the kids actually reading a physical copy of the books we read for the various book and a movie assigned readings because it makes for a better post. This leads to my children coming up with progressively more amusing ways to get their picture taken as they don’t always want their picture taken. So, I give you to a picture of Superman reading Oliver Twist, and Leezard reading Good Omens because… why not?


April 2021 week 4

The end of April had Jeff and the kids heading up to Dallas to visit his parents and his uncle who was down to visit. I stayed behind with Leezard (finding a last-minute dog-sitter would have been a nightmare, and it let me enjoy a weekend by myself).

I spent the weekend working on all sorts of projects, the one I’m proudest of, organizing the pantry. It’s amazing how much easier it is to find objects once everything is in a container with a label.

Well, the labels will come soon. I started labeling them, but I was in a mood and stopped before I started labeling the bins “liquid” or “stuff.” I already had a sauces and powder, which my kids endlessly made fun of.

Jeff got news, he’d earned a raise, which is a big deal since they hadn’t given out raises for the past couple of years, so we went out to eat as a special treat, and then he was being silly and acting like he was a poor beaten kiddo when he didn’t get his salad at the same time as everyone else. So, of course I had to get a picture of him.

And, we’re finishing up Oliver Twist, which was… not my favorite, it definitely reminded me why I don’t like Dickens. I had to laugh at this chapter title, which is half a page long for a chapter maybe 4 pages long.

And that is our April.

I need to just start taking random pictures of kids because I’m realizing I don’t really have as many pictures that aren’t the dog now that the kids are bigger and really don’t want their pictures taken.


How was your April?


One response to “April 2021 month in Review”

  1. April was… hopeful. We got vaccinated and I felt much better. Either I had long Covid that got better after vaccination (some people claim that) or, more likely, I was anxious. That hail looks huge. We watched Good Omens last year and liked it, now I wonder if Anna might enjoy it as well.

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