Back in the groove of homeschooling

This past week we dived back into our homeschool schedule.  None of that sissy easing this for us this year, no we leaped back in because we’re taking next week off because Tara is visiting and staying here.

I don’t expect we will get much done during that time.

First week happy memories

I’m sneaking in some pictures from last week, because I have to admit these pictures make me happy.  Especially that picture of Jeff holding Princess after the movie.

The others are all rather typical of our week, lots of silliness, including a ghost costume made out of a trash bag.


School business

I had grand plans to give you a blow by blow of our week, but Superman is sick and wants to cuddle, and I kind of think that’s a bit more important than writing a detailed report.  So, here’s the list of what we’ve accomplished! (a lot of these are affiliate links)

  • We achieved everything on our Illuminations schedule for week 1!  And part of week 2!
  • We started our earth science and the kids loved the game we played.
  • Batman is loving his Chinese class.
  • We had 2 playdates, a going away party for friends, sleepover, AND a mini-waterpark swim day with my Mom.
  • We learned all about the sun, and if the weather is good today, we’ll be melting chocolate with a magnifying glass (and if Superman isn’t THAT sick).
  • We finished TWO weeks of Mystery of History 2!
  • We reviewed all of the Old Testament history as it leads to Christ
  • We learned about Jonah
  • We reviewed last year’s math.
  • The kids all worked on reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4).

I’m linking over to:


10 responses to “Back in the groove of homeschooling”

  1. Can you tell us a little about the Chinese course? I have yet to find good courses for 2nd language learning. Thanks!

    1. Quick answer, because I’ll be writing a more indepth answer in a few weeks.

      This is online and there’s a daily calendar and lesson. Right now he’s in the super beginning stages of the course, so it’s all of the standard greeting, family members, counting parts.

      He seems to be really liking it, you can print out the vocabulary you learned with both the Chinese characters and the English approximation. Each lesson has several matching games, pronunciation chances, you can record yourself, and has a short video in Chinese.

      Since he’s not at the more advanced level I haven’t looked at the Chinese 2 or anything like that.

  2. Wow, you weren’t kidding that you jumped right in to school!! I am impressed. It looks like it was such a great mixture of in and out of the house activities, summer fun and school lessons. I love all of your pictures, especially the one you like of your hubs and princess.

    1. It was soooo crazy busy, and then this week has been a bit slower, but with its own brand of craziness. Each time I think life is going to slow down and be a bit more normal, it’s like God just sits back and laughs and laughs, and says “Let’s see how you do with this.”

  3. It sounds like you got a lot more done during your first week of school than my kids did during their first week!

    1. I do have the advantage of my kids not needing to fill out 20 pages of paperwork each, and all of the other housekeeping type of tasks public school kids have to do.

  4. Good luck! We are easing back to school here as well, and daughter is super excited about the third grade. Hopefully that will last.

    1. I hope so too, I know how discouraged she got.

  5. woohoo for starting the new year! We are doing week 4 but then taking a break for a trip to the beach 🙂 I need to get caught up on the blog!

    1. A trip to the beach is always a good excuse to take a break!

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