balloon memory verse games Bible skills

Balloon memory verse games

This post all started because I was trying to brainstorm memory verse games. I was thinking “I need some good new memory verse games to share.” I had a bunch of really weird ideas. One of which will probably show up here soon as I wandered through the aisles of a Dollar Store. I grabbed a bag of balloons and remembered years of a classic balloon memory verse game, and then as I took pictures my brain started buzzing of all the great ways to add this into my Bible lessons.

balloon memory verse games for Sunday School

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Supplies for all the different games

balloons, Sharpies, yarn, paper, scissors, thumb tack, blue tape

The classic balloon memory verse game

balloon memory verse games to help memorization

The classic balloon memory verse game has all the balloons taped up to the wall.


I didn’t, and then taped it up to the wall to show this idea, and realized you can’t see the words written on the side, so I went through and wrote the words again on the bottom as my children stared at me like I was a crazy person.

Actually first, Batman and I “argued” over who got to use the blue tape first.

I forgot to put blue tape on the supplies list, going back to add that in.

Eventually, it was solved by both of us getting a completely new roll of blue tape because the original role did not have enough tackiness to stay on the wall. Or in Batman’s case, the Nerf blaster he was modding.

So here’s how this game works.

You say the verse with all of the balloons up. Then the teacher (or some lucky kid volunteer) takes a thumb tack and pops a balloon.

Everyone giggles as the balloon pops.

Then you say the verse again, and each time you say the verse again you pop another balloon.

Until you have the verse memorized.

Classic game, used for decades.

balloon memory verse games Bible skills

And then I got thinking of more balloon memory verse games.

A lot more.

And, because I’ve figured out creating cards that are easily made, as I created the game. I made cards you can print off. For now, until I create my complete memory verse game set this is free for Subscribers (join my newsletter).

Balloon memory verse games cover

More balloon memory verse games

I thought about all of the classic balloon games I know about and how they could be adapted to practice memory verses.

My nine games (I might have to brainstorm more because 10 sounds so much better) include relay games, big group games, just general chances to say the Bible verse.

And it’s all with balloons.

I’d love to hear what you would do with balloons for a memory verse game?

Some great Bible verses to memorize

Are you looking for some verses to practice with this idea?


2 responses to “Balloon memory verse games”

  1. That’s a fun way to practice memorization.

  2. Amelia Avatar

    Thank you! We were trying to remember how this game went, we will be using this on Sunday in children’s church!

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