Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie feature 4th 3rd

Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night

If you haven’t read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, then you need to right now.  You will not regret it. As soon as I found out it was a book and a movie, I had to do this. HAD TO.  I listed it as one of my favorites on my Christmas books post last year.

Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie

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Best Christmas Pageant Ever Summary

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is the story of a church putting on its annual Christmas pageant, and how everyone is sure it’s going to go all wrong.  First, the usual director can’t direct, then the Herdmans, the worst family of kids ever, volunteer to play all of the parts.  Everyone is sure the Christmas pageant is going to be ruined.  Only it isn’t.

You really must read the book to get the full idea, it’s a wonderful book to read.  I really miss the original cover of the book.  It had a little girl all dressed up as an angel and she just had the perfect attitude (edited to add, now that I just rewatched the movie again last night I’m pretty sure it’s Gladys as the angel from the movie).

Best Christmas pageant ever movie night

Best Christmas Pageant Ever book club

Wow, Future Ticia 2022 here, and this is back when I didn’t add in discussion questions or anything like that.

This is a simple book. You could read it as a bedtime story over a couple of days if you read one or two chapters a night.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever book Club 3rd reading book and a movie product

Y’all, I did a thing.

I now have an official Best Christmas Pageant Ever Book Club.

It has all the things.

It has vocabulary words.

It has questions for each chapter.

It has projects to do with research for things you can look up.

I do intend to come back and give it a slight update with a Bible study, but I wanted to publish it, because I recognize that I have a habit of over-producing things.

Realistically this is already a great unit, there are a lot of great things, and this is all that most people will want to do, so I don’t know why I think I need to add in all the other things I should do.

It’s a really fun book study. I’m super excited about it.

Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie feature 4th 3rd

5 more 4th-grade book and a movie

Watch the Best Christmas Pageant Ever movie with special snacks

I picked up The Best Christmas Pageant Ever DVD last year when I did it was about $17.  As I’m writing this, the price has more than doubled, so watch the prices to see if you can get a good copy.

Best Christmas pageant ever snacks
Future Ticia is being lazy and not updating this image, I also was even more lazy and didn’t update all the individual pictures

Here’s a breakdown of the snacks we made:

Best Christmas Pageant ever book and a movie
  • “Baby Jesus” hot dog snacks, and he’s all wrapped up in his swaddling clothes.  They’d look more like him, but I was quite sure all of the ideas I saw for providing eyes would not go over well with my kids.  So they’re just yummy.
  • Baby Jesus nutter butters were a big hit, and the kids happily devoured them.  They’re dipped in candy melt coating and I piped some melted chocolate onto them to make the faces.  And given my frosting skills that means Jesus is making some funny faces in some of these.
  • Gladys angels.  In The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Gladys plays the angel that tells the shepherds about the new baby. To make these and the wise men you’ll need Christmas cookie cutters.
  • Wise men gingerbread men.  Also known as an excuse to put out gingerbread men.
  • little Bibles.  At the end of the book all of the kids are given Bibles.  I got the idea (and the printable) from the Sweet Story of Christmas.

After everyone had loaded up on snacks, we settled down to watch The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, with lots of laughs on our part.

This is probably the most faithful book to movie adaptation we’ve done in our Book and a Movie so far.

Best Christmas Pageant Ever book club and movie night

More 4th Grade learning fun

For some more great Advent ideas check out my Advent pinterest board.

Follow Ticia Adventures in Mommydom’s board Advent season on Pinterest.

Christmas Pageant at Art Gallery of Toronto” by Toronto History is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Originally published December 9, 2015


9 responses to “Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night”

  1. Until the youngest boys were able to read it for themselves, I read this story every Christmas season. It never gets old.

    1. I know, Princess is reading it to us right now. I LOVE this book.

  2. Those little Bibles are a really neat idea. Good to know that this is a faithful adaptation, too.

    1. It was surprisingly faithful. I’m particularly proud of those little Bibles, one of my few times I had something really cool and original.

  3. We read this every year and last year did the play with our church. It’s a classic!! I will admit though… I have NEVER seen the movie!! We need to ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh how fun to do the play! Yes, the movie is well worth watching if you can.

  4. These little Bibles are so neat! We also love the book – perhaps will catch the movie on “after Christmas” sale ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I have seen the movie, but I haven’t read the book.

    1. Oh you have to read the book. There’s a couple of fun scenes that aren’t in the movie you’d really enjoy.

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