easy baby moses craft

Baby Moses craft

Our Sunday school class is slowly but surely moving through our Moses unit.  One of the activities I opted for us to do was a baby Moses craft.  Why not turn a whole classroom full of 2nd and 3rd graders loose with paint?

 easy baby moses craft

Baby Moses craft supplies

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baby moses craft supplies

paint brush and palette (I buy paper plates*  in bulk and use these for palettes), brown paint*, cardboard milk carton, fabric scraps, peg doll (I buy my peg dolls at Casey’s Wood Supply), markers* ( love these markers)


Let me just tell you when you’re traveling in a hotel you get weird looks when you ask people to save their milk cartons……  Just saying…..  I did discover you can get a large number of milk cartons from the local elementary school if you bring a box for them to put them in.


baby Moses craft step 1

1.  First, obviously wash your milk cartons out.

2.  Cut the cartons in half.  If needed glue the top closed (that’s why the paper clip is on the half there).

baby moses craft step 3

3.  Let the kids paint the cartons.  Allow enough time to dry.  It’ll take at least 20 minutes from my experience.  There’s always that one kid who goes with the Shakespeare adage “Paint it on an inch thick!”


baby moses craft step 2

4.  While the paint is taking forever to dry color your baby Moses.

5.  Cut a small square of fabric for his blanket.

Baby Moses craft

Then admire how nice and snug Moses looks in his basket.  You should have seen how homey the girls made their baskets.  They carefully got a couple of blankets and made him nice and comfy.  The boys……  Ummmm, their Moses did not look so nice and cute.  More violent, ready to destroy someone.


Baby Moses resources

For more great Bible crafts head on over to Fantastic Five!


11 responses to “Baby Moses craft”

  1. Christy Avatar

    I love this! I can totally see the difference between the boys and the girls too!

  2. Sheila Avatar

    Great idea! Thanks for sharing1

  3. Phyllis Avatar

    I love this. It is so cute!

  4. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Oh! You could do something similar for the “calming of the sea” – just with a few more peg people 🙂

  5. MaryAnne Avatar


    What a cute craft!

  6. The girl who painted trees Avatar
    The girl who painted trees

    Love this. Pinning it for when we get to Moses.

  7. I SO wish I had been a fly on the wall at the hotel when you were asking for the milk cartons- the things we Sunday School teachers do for our lessons! :0)

  8. Brimful Curiosities Avatar
    Brimful Curiosities

    This Bible story is one of my daughter's favorites. She probably would have asked you if you could have an extra peg person to make Miriam.

  9. Nancy Peterson Avatar
    Nancy Peterson

    May I subscribe to your blog? I love the things I see from your work. Thank you!

    1. Yes, I’ve got a newsletter here I send out weekly: Start Here.

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