Baby Moses craft Bible Exodus

Baby Moses craft

Earlier this year I studied baby Moses craft for Sunday School (there’s a ridiculously detailed post explaining the original project), and since we’ve started on our grand Bible Curriculum plan we’re going to be covering it again soon, so I’m trying out the lessons on my kids to start out.

Baby Moses craft for preschool

baby moses craft (2)

Well, the other day Batman was happily running a dungeon with Jeff on a computer game, so to make Superman and Princess happier I let them make our baby Moses craft.

baby Moses craft for preschool

I got out some of the wooden babies from Casey’s Wood Products and an egg carton and let them have at it decorating their craft.

baby Moses craft floating in water

Of course, we tested if our baskets floated in the water, which they did quite successfully.  This then led to the kids NEEDING to take a bath right then with their peg dolls.

That ended our Bible lesson until the next morning.

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Baby Moses craft in the story

At this point we acted out the entire baby Moses story using our peg dolls.  Princess quite happily shared the mommy and little girl she colored, I contributed some of the ones I colored, and Superman contributed the basket, the story cloth is a Handkerchiefs* colored with Fabric Markers*.

baby moses craft story 1

Once there was a family who had a baby boy.  It was against the law to have a baby boy, and the soldiers were going to come and kill the baby.  So his mommy and daddy hid him for 3 months.  It’s very hard to hide a baby that long because babies cry and are noisy.

Baby Moses craft Bible Exodus

Finally, they could hide the baby no longer, so they made a basket and covered it in tar (you could bring in this science experiment), and Miriam watched over him in the reeds.

baby moses craft story 3

While the basket was floating in the reeds, Pharaoh’s daughter came down and found him there.  “A baby!,” she said, “I’ll name him Moses because I drew him out of the water.”

baby moses craft story 4

Miriam came up to Pharaoh’s daughter, “Would you like me to find someone who can take care of him for you?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Pharaoh’s daughter, “and I will play her to do it.”

baby moses craft story 1
Apparently I didn’t have this picture saved with the others, so I’m not replacing it, you get the old logo

Miriam brought her mother and Pharaoh’s daughter said, “I will pay you to take care of him, and when he is grown bring him back to me.”

One of the things I noticed when I was preparing for this lesson that I had never noticed before, Miriam was sitting right there watching over Moses.  Admittedly, she was hiding, but it’s not like the scene in The Prince of Egypt* where he’s just randomly floating down the Nile river.  He was being watched.

Baby Moses craft

 Follow Ticia Adventures in Mommydom’s board Exodus on Pinterest.

Have you ever suddenly noticed something in a story you’ve read many times?


8 responses to “Baby Moses craft”

  1. Those are so cute!

  2. Not only is he being watched, but Miriam runs volunteers her mom (successfully) to serve as his nursemaid, if I remember correctly…

    Love your peg dolls!

  3. It is so GREAT when you teach a lesson that in turn teaches you something back! Makes you the best kinda teacher possible…

    (Oh, and thank you for the wooden peg people link! That little “bee” one is so sweet, and I do believe it would make a great baby Jesus for my kiddos' Nativity scenes…)

  4. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    This is really a great way to get into the story!

  5. Very cool peg people for reenactment!

  6. This is great.

  7. Such a neat idea. I love the picture of Princess.

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