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Bible Curriculum

If we truly believe that God’s Word is the foundation for our lives we need to be teaching this to our kids. I looked for a long time to find a Bible curriculum that would meet our needs, and wasn’t finding one. Finally I started to write a Family Bible curriculum, one that works for parents with preschoolers, elementary kids, and teenagers, or for their own study. It isn’t an in-depth study, but one that gives you a good overview and some good discussion questions and some ideas of where to go from here. I then took that Bible curriculum and spent the past 6 years teaching it to my class of 3/4 graders in Sunday School averaging around 20 kids a week. So, I’ve thoroughly vetted this both as a homeschool Bible curriculum and a Sunday School curriculum.

Table of Contents
How this Bible curriculum is organized
To make finding lessons for the Family Bible curriculum easier I’ve divided them up into the different units that roughly correspond to the book, or books, of the Bible that are covered in that unit. I’m continuing to tweak and add more to this as I create more lessons, but here’s the general idea.

Genesis Unit
Genesis is the beginnings of it all, and so appropriately enough we spend about 3 months in Genesis. To see all of the lessons head on over to the Genesis Bible study page.

Moses and the Exodus Family Bible Curriculum
I originally called this section Exodus, but then realized it’s really more a study of Moses and covers from Exodus to passages in Numbers. I enjoy studying Moses because he shows so much faith in the passages about him, and he is not perfect. There are so many times it feels like I must be perfect when I interact with God, and I know that is not true.

Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
I put all of these together because it’s all about how well do you obey God. Are you obedient to God like Joshua? Or do you forget to completely follow directions like most of the Judges? To find all of the lessons head over to the Joshua, Judges, and Ruth page.

The Kingdom of Israel Family (1 and 2 Samuel)
I really wanted to call this section the David lessons, but it’s more than that, it’s lessons on three kings, and how different their rule of Israel is because of their love for God. Saul and Solomon both don’t love God with all their heart and you see it in the final results of their kingdom. David loves God with all of his heart, but is human and still sins. You see the results of that in their lives too.

Divided Israel
After Solomon’s death Israel divides into two kingdoms, and there is a lot for us to learn from this time period. Israel follows or falls away from God based on their king’s behavior.

Prophets of God Family Bible Curriculum
The last third of the Old Testament is the prophets. These are hard books to teach to our kids because it covers hard topics: death, adultery, murder, lying, thieving, and more topics we don’t really want to talk about. But, they also offer some of the greatest hope. It’s an injustice to our kids if we don’t teach them about all of the Bible, even the hard parts.

Christmas Story Bible curriculum
4 week study on the Christmas story, one for each week of Advent. It’s a great way to focus on Jesus’ arrival here on earth, find it here.

Gospel activities for kids
Jesus is the central figure of the Christian faith, and we would do well to study his teachings and learn who He is.

Easter Lessons Bible Curriculum
Since Easter is so crucial to the Christian faith I have completed several different variations of Easter Family Devotionals.

Acts of the Apostles Bible Curriculum
Watch as God sets up His church and changes the world one person at a time.

New Testament Letters
And finally there are all the letters the apostles wrote. Since these are not easy to adapt for kids, and because as adults they’ll spend so much time learning the letters, we don’t spend as much time here.
Also as part of our weekly Sunday School lesson we work on different skills.
For the first third of the year we work on learning the Books of the Bible. After that we work on Bible Study, and over the summer we work on memory verses.