Jacob and his wives Genesis Old Testament Bible 12 Tribes of Israel

Jacob finds a wife Sunday School lesson

Jacob is a fun character……..  One that I find a bit of affinity for. I like trickster characters, and if there’s one thing that describes Jacob, he’s a trickster.  When last we saw him in our Sunday School lessons he was running from his brother. Now, Jacob married Rachel and Leah, it’s going to cause a few problems, but just a few.

Jacob Dream craft and 12 sons sort

Future Ticia here, we’re about to hit this lesson in our family Bible study, we’re going through the older guys questions, and I thought to have them repeat the 12 tribes of Israel activity. Also, I’m adding in a few affiliate links, so I’m sharing this again.

The amusement of Jacob marrying Rachel and Leah

I like rogue and trickster characters, though Jacob’s are a bit cruel in his youth, I do appreciate his finally meeting his match in his father-in-law.  I’ve always enjoyed the story “
Jacob finds a wife.”  Especially after the story of Jacob and Esau.

Jacob and his wives Genesis Old Testament Bible 12 Tribes of Israel

This is a hard story to teach to young kids, what do you say when they ask, why did he have 2 wives?  How do you explain the fact that he, in essence, ended up with 4 wives once you add the servants in?

And those are great discussion questions for older kids, thankfully for my heart rate, my kids aren’t quite there yet {and to answer those questions, I’d say this is a description of what he did, not something to do, and because of the 4 wives he had a lot of problems, which you’ll see more about later}

Jacob marries Rachel and Leah activities

After reading the story, there were two things I wanted to do.  One was a craft for fun, and the other is to sort out the kids according to their moms.  All of those different moms cause problems for Jacob and for the boys in a few chapters, so it’s good to know who had what kid.

Supplies for our Jacob marries Rachel and Leah crafts

popsicle sticks, glue, glue sticks, printable (down below, first link in the resources), and scissors

Jacob's ladder craft

First, we made Jacob’s ladder.  I based the craft off a pin I found on Pinterest (which is down this morning, so I can’t show it to you).  Of course, the kids’ versions are nothing like what I was thinking.  Princess had the closest one.  Superman proceeded to make a box covered in angels out of popsicle sticks, and Batman COVERED his page in angels.

12 tribes of Israel picture sort

I had a bit of fun with the presentation of this one, the storybook is on the left, the printable to cut out is on the right along with an envelope because I know the kids won’t want to glue it on.  They’ll want to be able to play with them.

12 tribes of Israel craft

I was amused because as they got more and more into the activity, it slowly moved off of the steamer trunk and onto the floor.

12 tribes of Israel lesson

Until finally it changed to playing, and Batman got out his figures from Isaac takes a wife and combined them all into one epic Bible story.

The 12 Tribes of Israel lesson

Jacob marries Rachel and Leah lesson resources

For more ideas on Genesis, I invite you to: read Genesis posts visit my  Genesis Pinterest board OR check out the curriculum page.

Next up: Joseph’s Coat story

Originally published May 2, 2013 way back when my kids were itty bitty


3 responses to “Jacob finds a wife Sunday School lesson”

  1. These are fantastic crafts. What a great teaching tool!

  2. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I love your illustrations!

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