Bluebonnets 2013

One constant in Texas is bluebonnets.  We have stories and legends about them, we make bluebonnet crafts, and every spring we tour through Central Texas to get some pictures in them.


Every year I’ve had this blog I’ve included pictures from our bluebonnet trips, and this year is no exception.


Some years I have better luck than others.  This particular year the kids weren’t too cooperative, on either trip we made, but I got a few good pictures.  I also scored a few pictures over by a water feature at Jeff’s work because the kids love playing there.


Princess in bluebonnets

Princess was my most cooperative, but also the one who was most trying to ham it up.  So, I got lots of odd faces in her pictures, but I think overall they’re pretty cute, and rather revealing of her personality.


Batman in bluebonnets

Batman did fairly good for the first shoot, other than picking an odd spot for his pictures.  On the second trip however………  He was having a blast taking pictures and making faces, which if I’m completely honest is a lot more him than the fake smile he plastered on for a few shots.


Superman in bluebonnets

Oh poor Superman…….  That second trip he just was not happy, and no one was listening to him.  I feel for the boy, he had one picture he wanted taken, and it was not happening the way he wanted.  Of my three kids, he’s the most difficult to photograph, you have to catch him by surprise or he gives you this weird fake grin that looks so cheesy.

family shots

We managed to sneak in a few family shots, with some working better than others.  The top left corner shot is the one Superman really wanted.  He wanted a picture of us standing in the bluebonnets.  By contrast, I wanted the family shot sitting down.  Poor Ticia only got one of her shots.


silly family bluebonnets

I however did a get a lot of shots that look like this.  So many shots like this, which if I’m really and truly honest is more what our family looks like than a bunch of smiling faces.


But, I guess the important thing is no one fell in the water, despite their best efforts.


15 responses to “Bluebonnets 2013”

  1. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    Your kids have SO much personality – and I love that it shows through in these pictures.

    1. It really does, even in their bad moods you can see their personality.

  2. How beautiful they all are! The flowers and the pictures.

    1. awwww……… Thanks! I think this is one of my favorite traditions.

    1. WOO HOO! I love your posts and the adaptations you made. I think we’ll make your version next time with my kids (I don’t think I”ll try that with an entire Sunday school class though).

  3. Great pics, Ticia, and such a nice tradition 🙂

    1. Thanks! It’s a huge tradition here in Texas and during bluebonnet season you can’t help but see people on the side of the road amongst the bluebonnets taking pictures.

  4. These turned out super cute! I love seeing traditions like this!

    1. Me too, it’s fun to come up with these.

  5. Ahhhh, very, very cute!

  6. I loved all of the pictures. You have a beautiful family. My kids do the same thing when I want to take pictures. No one ever wants to cooperate when I want them too! 🙂

    1. Sigh, it was just one of the years that it was just not going to happen. Thankfully I have plenty of years where they cooperated better, just not this year 🙂

  7. Great pictures! I can see serious challenges with group portraits of three kids 🙂 We also have our annual trip tradition – it’s in January to the flowering mimosa trees.

  8. I always love your bluebonnet pictures. I love the way kids personalities come through in pictures!

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