Book and Activity reading elementary middle high

Book and Activity

For years the kids and I did a book and activity. We would read a book and then do some kind of activity. Back in the day when everyone was coming up with clever names for stuff several people called this a “Booktivity,” I don’t know if that’s still a thing. I thought it might be helpful for you to see all of our booktivities in one place.

Book and Activity

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What will not be in our book and activity post

While I have many many book and a movie posts with activities, I will for the most part not be including these posts. I might include the picture books for this, but as a general rule, I will not.

I will also not be including any preschool units, because those are usually for several different picture books. So as a general rule, I’m not including those, but a few might have slipped in.

Finally, I’m not including any of my nursery rhyme lessons. I don’t really know why, but that was the rule I made for myself.

If you’re in a record state, you could print off this Printable homeschool book log to keep track of all the books you use.

Book and Activity reading fun
Though ironically this picture IS from a nursery rhyme post.

Picture Book and Activity

This is an odd assortment of book and activity lessons, and some of these are not necessarily tied to a particular picture book, but a type of picture book. This section also includes quite a few writing lessons.

Book and Activity reading elementary middle high

Holiday book and activity

I guess I could have left these on their specific holidays, but I started to include them, so it’s too late now.

Historical book and activity

Most of these are picture books, but are more for history lessons, than a traditional picture book.

Just a few science book and activity

Hmmm….. I apparently have only a few that are easily set aside as a book and activity, but I suspect there might be more.

  • Florida Evergaldes
  • I’ve only found one so far, I know there are more hiding in the recesses of my blog

Novel book and activity

We had a few novels that became book and activity ideas beyond our book and a movie night. I will give you the caveat these are primarily Harry Potter ideas (though most could easily be adapted to almost any fantasy book).


2 responses to “Book and Activity”

  1. Natalie PlanetSmarty Avatar
    Natalie PlanetSmarty

    Aww, all this brings back memories when we did the same things! I can’t believe that now we have kids who are ready to leave the nest… bittersweet!

  2. Aww they were so little!

    This is a fantastic collection of posts.

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