Books of the Bible song bible tools memorize

Books of the Bible songs



I’m teaching Bible Basics for the Tenderhearts this year, and one of the requirements is to learn a Books of the Bible song, and I kept dragging my feet because I didn’t have a good song, and honestly I wasn’t sure there was one I’d like that I could easily share with the parents of my girls. But, after eventually sucking it up, and figuring out a good Bible lesson for this I found a song I liked.

And then I played it for my daughter who looked at me like I was crazy and that was clearly not as good as I thought, so I’m going to also share with you several more books of the Bible songs you can find on YouTube and easily play with your Sunday School class.

Learn the books of the Bible through song

The Books of the Bible song I picked

I listened to over a dozen songs, and I liked this one, it’s relatively fun, the video wasn’t randomly flashy (which is a migraine trigger for me), and the singing wasn’t annoying to me.

I played it for the girls, and told them we needed to come up with motions for the song, and they helped me out brainstorming actions. They’re not particularly brilliant actions, we’ve only got ideas for the Old Testament so far.

I had The Artist take pictures for me of all the different motions, so I could edit it and share it with the parents (significantly later than I intended to).

In case you’re wondering, if you ask a gaggle of 6-year-olds to help you brainstorm motions, you can end up with a lot of very similar actions (you’ll get a glimpse at the bottom of this post).

Now, if you don’t like my song, like The Artist didn’t…

I know, everyone has different tastes for songs, so here are some of the others I found but opted not to use for various different reasons.

learn the books of the Bible through song and motion

KJV songs version– this one wouldn’t embed for some reason, I think the only reason I didn’t choose this one is because it had the random verse at the beginning and the end, and for whatever reason I liked the music of the one I picked more.

I didn’t like the song as much, but I could totally see why you might choose this one. Though, it might be a little fast to create motions with it.

This felt like it might be harder to learn since it’s rap and there isn’t as much of a tune to hang it onto. And it had the chorus way too often for my purposes.

Another, that had nothing wrong with it, just different music taste.

I think this particular video jammed two songs together to create the whole Bible, because you can hear where bits of the song were randomly cut to make it all one song.

The random t-shirt changes are kind of funny, but might have distracted my very easily distracted girls.

This one is a bit slower, and probably would have worked great, but for whatever reason I wasn’t excited by this one.

Only Old Testament books

As a kid I learned da song for ONLY the New Testament, which is part of why I never learned the Old Testament books in order.

This one is too flashy for me, it triggers my migraine.

This almost sounds like a song I learned part of once upon a time, because when I start to sing the Old Testament, this is what I default to.

New Testament songs

Maybe I’ll find the song I learned growing up….

I think this song was on a CD I got for my kids when they were super little.

Another of the super busy videos, that I find hard to watch.

Let’s talk hand motions for books of the Bible song

Now there are lots of people with their own books of the Bible song hand motions. I have vague memories of some hand motions I learned, but nothing solid.

I took the song to my girls and had them brainstorm the actions. It’s a great way to get the kids involved, and also help them remember the hand motions, because they’re involved.

motions for books of the Bible song

However, if you don’t have the ability, or if you want to present the motions as a fiat accompli, then I liked these Bible hand motions I found later on. You know, after we’d planned all of the Old Testament.

I used these motions to occasionally prompt the girls in picking out hand motions occasionally when they were about to say a small variation on the same motion for the third time in a row.

After they had brainstormed all of our actions, I shanghaied various kids into taking pictures for me, and if you’re a subscriber (join my newsletter), you can get the entirety of the pictures all put together in a handy dandy page you can print out, complete with my random super terrible faces (what is my face in that Jude picture?).

We’ll be practicing our movements, and in a few months we’ll be performing our song in front of the entire troop at the Court of Awards.

Books of the Bible song bible tools memorize

More help for learning the Books of the Bible

Learn the books of the Bible with song and motion
I had to redo the Pinterest image with the cute singing kids I found


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