Busy times at our house and bluebonnet pictures

I haven’t been online much.  Between being sick a few weeks ago, then trying to catch up from that, clean the house for visitors, and now we’ve got the visitors, it’s been busy.

But, I wanted to share our Bluebonnet pictures for this year.  Every year we go out and take bluebonnet pictures, and this year we got a few with my friend Tara who’s visiting.

attack the girls

These are getting uploaded in alphabetical order of my naming them.  I had lots of fun playing around with photo editting.

attack the mommy

I just recently dyed my hair red.

bad Jeffy bluebonnets 2015

Jeff likes to tickle me.  I sadly am insanely ticklish.

cuddly bunny bluebonnets 2015

Princess is quite good at posing.

bluebonnets 2015 boys

The boys however are not as good at smiling.

bluebonnets 2015 moose ears

Instead we get this

bluebonnets 2015 dogpile

Or this

bluebonnets 2015 aunt T

Or more.

bluebonnets 2015 girls

But the girls were all about the posing and pictures

bluebonnets 2015 no Jeff

Sadly there is no good picture of the 5 of us.  Can you see the little bit of Jeff’s head?

bluebonnets 2015 boy silly

Even sadder is the 5 minutes of video Jeff accidentally took instead of pictures which was the prime time to get a good shot with the boys.


I guess I’ll have to haul them out and torture them one last time.  They do show a lot of personality.  This is why you don’t see lots of posed shots on my blog, the kids just do not cooperate.

Now I’m off to get ready for a fun day at the park.


14 responses to “Busy times at our house and bluebonnet pictures”

  1. Love the pictures and your new hair color. I, too, am insanely ticklish, and everyone in my house takes advantage of that!

    1. Mine too, it’s just not fair.

  2. Those are fantastic! You might not have gotten smiles from everyone, or perfect framing, but you captured plenty of personality 🙂 And the flowers, are beautiful.

    1. So much personality.

  3. These are fantastic photos! I love capturing personality on film like this. Your hair is pretty, and very nice photo editing!

    1. Thanks on both the hair and the photo editing. It’s the first time I’ve really tried much editing, but it turned out surprisingly well.

      I love capturing personality too. I still need to get some individual photos and I’d like a picture we can see Jeff in, but I’m really happy with how these turned out.

  4. It is not spring until I see your Bluebonnet pictures. Love them all!! Your boys are starting to look like men.

    1. I know! It’s scary how grown up they’ve started looking.

  5. Look at your gorgeous hair – I love it!! It’s a really good colour on you.
    Lovely photos and lovely tradition.

    1. Thank you! It’s one of my favorite traditions in Texas.

  6. Marie-Claude Leroux Avatar
    Marie-Claude Leroux

    What a gorgeous field for photos! And everyone looks so happy – maybe not posed, but definitely happy 🙂 Your hair looks fabulous!

    1. If they’re posed, they do not look happy. Someday I will teach my boys how to smile for photos, but that day was not then.

      The streets around me are covered in bluebonnets, it’s amazing how many flowers there are this year.

  7. You got some really good ones this year! You’re a pretty photogenic bunch, aren’t you? And thank goodness for girls’ willingness to pose nicely while we wait for the boys to stop fooling around for one nanosecond, eh?

    1. The difference between girls posing and boys posing is amazing.

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