Cain and Abel sensory bin

When I was planning my Bible lessons, I figured out I had 104 lessons over two years, subtract 12 lessons for Christmas and Easter each year, and that made 92 lessons. That meant I combined the Fall of Man and Cain and Abel lessons into one UBER Fall of Man lesson. Now as I’m working to expand all my Bible lessons, I put together a Cain and Abel sensory bin to share with you.

Cain and Abel sensory bin for Sunday School class

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What can I learn from Cain and Abel?

Cain and Abel is the go-to reference for kids not getting along. It’s such a part of our culture, it’s even referenced in the Dresden Files series, a definitely non-Christian series, which correctly identified the relevant characters and the core conflict.

While yes, you could bring this down to brothers fighting.

But, it’s a bit more than that.

It’s about priorities.

Cain’s priorities weren’t honoring God. It’s not clear what his priorities were, but he didn’t give his best to God.

That is my big takeaway today. Abel gave God his best, but Cain gave God what he had on hand.

His priorities weren’t there.

Putting together our Cain and Abel sensory bin

Cain and Abel sensory bin for home and Sunday School

Supplies: lentels or millet seeds or I just realized birdseed could also work, sheep (from the farm animals set), two Bible figures (from this Easter set or Nativity set), green pom poms (to visualize plants, the giant pack is helpful for other Bible sensory bins later on), fruit and vegetables erasers (optional, this will really depend on the age and the likelihood of putting things in their mouth), back scratcher (for a rake, or this mini Zen rake)

I had fun putting this together, and it’s fun to run your fingers through the lentels I used for the Cain and Abel sensory bin. I enjoyed putting together the different elements thinking about what makes the story.

I toyed with putting mini fruits and vegetables in my pictures, but didn’t have any on hand (I’ll have to add them in), and also I fully admit so many little kids would probably stick them in their mouth and while I like the idea, I don’t know that it’s a good one.

Cain and Abel sensory bin Old Testament Bible Genesis

What would you put in a Cain and Abel sensory bin?

I’m trying to decide if there are more possibilities here to add in, but haven’t thought of any yet.

More Bible learning ideas


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