you can know how to study the Bible with your kids

You can know HOW to study the Bible

Last week I posed you the question of what’s your biggest challenge in studying the Bible and teaching the Bible to your kids. Over and over again I saw variations of “I don’t know how to study the Bible with my kids.” So, let’s talk about how to study the Bible, and how to use this in Bible lessons with your kids.

knowing how to study the Bible with your kids

“It’s hard because I don’t know how to study the Bible myself.”

knowing how to study the Bible

You’re right, it is a challenge to teach your kids something you don’t know yet.

Yesterday I went to our church’s annual ministry training. At the start of the day, our pastor told about the person who discipled him in college. It started with another guy at the college asking him to go with him to a college Sunday School class, then it progressed to meeting one on one for a Bible study. It was an amazing story, and at the end, he told us the guy who discipled him was only a year older than him at 19 years old.

A 19-year-old doesn’t have lots of seminary training or all of the answers to the question. He had passion, and the desire to teach people more about God.

I’m betting you have more of a desire for your child to know about God than that 19-year-old did about the kid living down the hall from him in the dorm.

In my How to Study the Bible for Kids ebook there are 10 different Bible study methods in there. Each one builds on the other starting with the simplest of asking three questions and working your way up to an in-depth character study.

If you are unsure and don’t want to complete the study at the same time as your kids, you can work on the Bible study method the week before them, and then teach it the week after.

All you have to be is half a step ahead of your kids when teaching them how to study the Bible.

“What if I don’t know the answer to the question?”

I have spent the last 10 years teaching 3/4 grade Sunday School. At least once a year someone has a question I don’t know the answer to. It is no problem to tell your kids, “I don’t know, but I can find out.”

Where can you find out?


google how to study the Bible maybe

Okay, not really. I discuss this in more detail in the book, there are several sites you can submit questions and get answers, is one such site. Every time I’ve submitted a question or searched the site for my question I’ve found the answer in a few minutes.

A word of warning about Google, you can find some great answers, and you can find some really crazy answers. A few weeks ago I was working on how to teach about the sacrificial system to my class. I found a site that had some really interesting ideas, but it gave me a weird feeling. I looked at their theology statement and realized he had some really messed-up theology.

But how do I explain the Bible to them?

what if I don't know the answer to the question how to study the Bible

First, there are some topics and issues you need to pray for when your child is ready to read the Bible passage. Many parts of the Bible are R-rated for violence or sexual content if they made a movie of it.

That answer is a whole other post and a whole other topic.

But, the actual passage you’ve decided to study with your child.

You would be amazed how God answers prayers of wisdom, or explain a topic. Here are my three suggestions (you’ll notice some similarities in them):

  1. Pray about what passage to read.
  2. Pray before you study the passage yourself for insight.
  3. Pray as you talk with your kids about what you studied. Pray God gives you the right words. Pray you listen for the right question, not what they’re saying, but the meaning behind the words. Pray as you’re talking.

Don’t worry Mom*, you got this

*I said Mom because most of you reading are moms, but obviously Dad, you got this too.


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