Category: history

  • Archimedes lesson

    Archimedes lesson

    Hi! Future Ticia 2023 here, I was sitting down about to write down our Archimedes lesson from a few years ago. I started to create a draft and thought, “I thought I had already written about Archimedes, maybe I should double-check this,” and sure enough there it was. I had a preschool or early elementary…

  • Diary of Anne Frank book club

    Diary of Anne Frank book club

    This is not going to be like our other book and a movie night. Much like with Zookeeper’s Wife, this is a serious topic and while I want us to have snacks as we watch the movie after reading the book, I don’t want to make light of a serious topic. Especially since this is…

  • Frida Kahlo artist study

    Frida Kahlo artist study

    I remember learning about Frida Kahlo in high school. I forget exactly where I learned about her, if it was part of history class or maybe just a random thing I learned, but the big things I took away from learning about her: she really liked her uni-brow and she painted a lot of self-portraits.…

  • Diego Rivera artist study

    Diego Rivera artist study

    As we studied Mexico, we learned about their two most famous artists and turned it into history lessons, well art history, but I don’t have an art history landing page… Hmmm…. I need to create that since I’ve actually got a fair number of them. Focus Ticia, we’re talking about the Diego Rivera art history…

  • Zookeeper’s Wife book club

    Zookeeper’s Wife book club

    A few years ago Jeff was looking for a movie we could watch for Mother’s Day. He picked Zookeeper’s Wife, and we got about halfway through it before The Artist got overwhelmed with the darkness of the story and wasn’t emotionally ready to see the light and hope buried under all that darkness. I don’t…