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Category: Texas
Galveston Flood of 1900 lesson
Oh gosh, almost 10 years ago, because Jeff and I went there for our 10th anniversary, we stayed in the Hotel Galvez in Galveston. It’s the oldest hotel in Galveston, and in the basement it has a museum to the history of the island, AND a history of the Galveston Flood of 1900. I stored…
You have 5 minutes, what will you pack to take with you?
The Texas Revolution was a strange one. It was relatively short, less than a year-long, and the revolution was won more by accident than by plan. One of the more unusual “battles” of the Texas Revolution was the Runaway Scrape. We recreated the Runaway Scrape as part of our Texas history lessons, and years later…
San Jacinto Monument Field Trip
The Texas Revolution was a short 6 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days long. There are a handful of battles, and most of them barely qualify as battles. It all ended at the Battle of San Jacinto, and in the 1930s the Texas Historical Commission created the San Jacinto Monument as part of the Texas…
Exploring History in a World War 2 sub
Over the past two decades we’ve watched a changing of the guard. For forty years, our government was run by people who lived through and fought in World War 2. They could point to their service and say, “This is what I gave up for my country.” It’s a bit sad to see that changing…
Quick and Easy Native American Report
In college, as a history minor, I was required to take Texas history. The class was only offered on Tuesday/Thursday from 4:30 to 6:30. As a sophomore, I signed up to take the class and made it through precisely one class before dropping it. The professor was particularly enamored with some of the more… Shall…