childhood to do list build a tree fort preschool

Childhood to do list: Build a fort

I remember as a kid every fall my Dad would trim back the trees drastically and I’d build a fort out of all those branches.  It was quite a feat.  So, in my mind, this should be on every kid’s childhood to do list. It’s always interesting to discover what things you think everyone did are just things your family did.

Childhood to do list build a tree fort

(as I’m updating this in 2024, I may or may not add affiliate links, who knows)

First you have to gather your supplies

gathering supplies for your fort

We were trimming the trees in our front yard the other day before the spring growth hits, and we had already completely filled one with branches, when I said, “New plan!  We’re making a FORT!”

The kids were now much more enthusiastic to help haul branches.

We filled the wagon and hauled branches back to the back corner of our yard.  It’s quite nicely tucked under our big huge trees, “The Mommy and Daddy trees,” as my kids say.

Future Ticia 2024 wants to add in, this wagon is amazing. If you have one never get rid of it. We still use this wagon we got for the boys’ first birthday and they’re now 19. Dozens of kids have ridden in this wagon.

February week 3 2021 feature 10th

It was even used as a sled of sorts during Snowmageddon 2021. I’m sure that’s what they were thinking when they designed it. I’m sure.

Then began the real work.

Building the tree fort

building the tree fort

I don’t quite think they thought it was work.

And of course, you need a photo shoot afterward. With lots of dramatic posing.

Don’t ever forget the dramatic posing.

Future Ticia 2024 is having so much fun looking at these pictures and how much character is in them. I know the posed pictures are good to have as well, but these types of pictures are my favorites.

photo shoot

Seriously, look at those faces. Aren’t they great?

Everyone needs a tree fort some time.  Maybe I’ll even dig through my Mom’s photo albums and find a picture of MY tree fort.


6 responses to “Childhood to do list: Build a fort”

  1. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    I think my entire childhood was spent in pursuit of the perfect fort – this is great!

  2. MamaHen Avatar

    All kids love forts. I might send mine out to build one today 🙂

    I pulled together the AL stuff for you last night and hope to get it mailed this week. Its just some worksheets and things I did when my big kids were younger.

  3. MaryAnne Avatar

    I love your photo collages!!! We built a fun tree fort after trimming a couple of our trees last fall!

  4. Phyllis Avatar

    They look like they are having so much fun! We love forts, too. The wall in your backyard is interesting.

  5. Looks like a lot of fun. I am jealous of your big backyard!

  6. Christy Avatar

    Very cool! I would love to see pics of your fort!

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