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Conversations at Lunch, using small moments for family discipleship
Sometimes the most impactful lessons in Family discipleship don’t happen at Sunday School. Sometimes it’s that small moment during lunch. Here’s how my convesation went Monday at lunch.

Superman: Mommy! That picture has a car in it!
Me: Yes it does.
Superman: Who made the car Mommy?
Me: I don’t know who made it?
Superman: God made the car Mommy!
Princess: Mommy! That picture no have car! That picture no have car. It has people!
Now keep repeating this phrase until I acknowledge her
Superman: Mommy! Who made the floor?
Batman: God made the floor.
Superman: I asked Mommy, not you Batman.
Me: Who made the floor?
Superman: God made the floor.
These are all said in complete seriousness, and we had many different variations on this conversation. Who made the table, the chair, the food (each type of food we ate), and so on and so forth. Each time the answer was God made it. So, they have down the concept that God made everything, now I have to get them to understand that, yes God made everything, but sometimes God uses man to make stuff. How to explain that to a preschooler?
I also learned today that God loves us, and that they love God, and the answer to almost every question is God. It’s really hilarious. Now, I’m pondering how to present the gospel in ways they can understand. I think a lot of it is above their understanding right now, but it’s worth starting to look into.
Using small moments to disciple kids
While that’s a cute scene, there’s more to it than just a cute conversation I wanted to record for posterity.
But discipleship is found in the small moments.
It’s in being there to hear about the small stories, laughing about the silly thing you said.
And it’s that small comment as you read bedtime stories about who God is.
There’s this scene in the 90s movie, You’ve Got Mail, there’s this scene where Meg Ryan’s character says, “What if all these nothings, added up to something?”
And that’s what I’ve found to be true, both in discipling your kids, and discipling in a Sunday School class. All those little moments of spending time together add up into something, something important so they trust you with the big stuff.
It’s all the small moments that allow you to have that big discussion late at night with your teen as they struggle with who they are in the world.

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