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Create your own Jesse Tree Ornaments
Years ago I had a friend who would put together a printable Jesse Tree ornaments set. I would save the file and print sets for my Sunday School class and send them home. Every year I’d get a comment from a parent telling me how much they loved the ornaments because it wasn’t too hard to put together for their kids. Then one year she didn’t share her Jesse Tree ornaments. I was so sad and had to figure out just how to make it work again, finally, I’ve got it done.

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Let’s get started making our Jesse Tree Ornaments
printable Jesse Tree Ornaments, card stock, coloring implement of choice (crayons, colored pencils, markers), scissors (this is a cool set), hole punch, yarn
Side note, you really need to print them on cardstock, I know the temptation will be to print it on paper, but it won’t hold up, and you’ll regret it.

So, I’m a sucker for colored pencils, and I really like the way they look, even if the ones I grabbed from upstairs had rather strange color choices. It was a mish-mash bin of leftover colored pencils from various projects, so there was a definite leaning towards colors I don’t use as much. I never really found any satisfactory skin or hair colors. Apparently, I used up all the browns.
And just for thoroughness sake, I tried to color a page with each of the possible mediums.

It worked fine with my sporadic collection of broken crayons. Once upon a time, I had a giant shoebox of crayons. I’m now down to a rather sad collection of broken crayons in a pencil box. I don’t know where they all went. So I had some truly strange color choices, like a blue saw.
But, it’s the markers that were truly strange. I could only find big chunky markers and those turned out ugly. If you’re going to use markers, get the fine tip ones.

It’s time for a funny story
I had finished coloring my Jesse Tree ornaments, and cut them out, and went to go grab my hole punch, and it was gone.

I searched in the cubbies in the breakfast area. Not there.
I went upstairs and dug through all of my various craft bins in the schoolroom, which I’m slowly reclaiming as my craft room. Not in any of those.
So, when I headed off for my Bible study I stopped at CVS on the way home, and wandered all throughout their store before finally finding the home office supplies, and there was no hole punch there. So I left and headed over to Walmart, which was in the process of rearranging the store, so nothing was where it was labeled, and finally found the home office supplies and discovered exactly ONE hole punch. Thankfully I only needed one, but hopefully, no one else needed a hole punch that day or they would have to go to three stores to find theirs.
Hole punch found I started punching holes.

I totally admit I found the ones I liked how I colored them to put on top as I took this picture. Hey, if you can’t be honest about how you stage pictures, what can you be?
I grabbed yarn I literally found falling off the downstairs cubbies and started cutting pieces of yarn. I found you need about 5-6 inches of yarn to make a nice sized loop. I had a few where I cut smaller pieces of yarn and it was hard to tie the knot, and hard to hang over my little Christmas tree.
Our Jesse Tree ornament decorated tree

We picked up this mini-tree a few years ago when Tara was coming down for a visit in the middle of October, and I didn’t want to decorate all of the house for Christmas, but I wanted to do something since we were celebrating Christmas with her. I kind of love this tree and all of the homemade decorations we made for it.
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