creation story bean bags free printable

Creation story bean bags game


Creation story bean bags game
as they played with it, blurry picture and all

A few days ago I shared this picture with my facebook fans of our Creation story bean bags.  One person asked if those were creation story bean bags for Sunday School, and if I made them.  I told her I’d share how and the printable soon.

Creation story bean bag game

Well, soon has come.  Mainly because if I waited until the Creation Bible study was ready that’d be a few more weeks……..

creation cards

Step one in making creation bean bags, download the cards from up above.  Step two is go to the original post about making the Creation story bean bags.  I hadn’t even remembered writing it.

Now, I’ve used them several ways.

Last year we made jello stickers and made a book.

Creation story bean bags game

This year we used the bean bags and I would toss them a bag and they’d name the day it was created on.

The picture up above is from their free play time as they played with the Creation story bean bags.  They loved to sort them into different categories.  I’m already planning on using them again for Noah’s ark.

All of our Genesis lessons can be found on the Genesis landing page, along with some great resources to use with each story.  You can also look for more ideas on my Genesis pinterest board:

Follow Ticia Adventures in Mommydom’s board Genesis on Pinterest.



5 responses to “Creation story bean bags game”

  1. Again, impressed with all the creativity….

  2. I love the creation bean bags! Selena has been listening to the creation story on her SPARKS CD all week.

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