Days of Creation craft book Bible Genesis Creation Story Old Testament preschool kinder

Creation book for preschool

If you are a very brave Sunday School teacher you can complete this Days of Creation Book with your preschoolers.  I’ll admit I wouldn’t be that brave. Instead, this was part of our Kindergarten curriculum, though it would make a great homeschool preschool lesson.

Days of Creation book light and darkness

Future Ticia 2023, I ended up combining all of the posts into one post, so this is going to be a long post, but it’s such a great craft for your preschooler or your kindergartener.

Getting started on Days of Creation book

As we covered Creation, I told my kids on the first day of Creation God created light and dark and separated them. Then I gave them yellow and black paint and let them paint their own masterpiece. They could use any of our painting materials, so they got out brayers, and paint brushes, and used their fingers. We got some interesting ideas from it. After they finished their first piece I let them have as many colors as they wanted. The other artworks will be saved to use for wrapping paper.

Days of Creation book painting supplies

Princess experimenting with a brayer.

Days of Creation book Batman

Batman used mostly black for his first painting with this small little spot of yellow. He explained it was the dollar store. They’re obsessed with it right now because that’s where they get to go for being dry all night.

Days of Creation Superman

Superman’s second piece was this super cool multi-colored masterpiece that was completely covered. His also was the Dollar Store.

Superman showing off his dry diaper
Future Ticia 2022 didn’t bother changing the logo on this one

Superman showing off his dry diaper.  You have to celebrate the small moments.

Why make this Creation book?

Little kids are concrete and tactile, and putting together a Days of Creation book like this helps them figure out what God did each day. It also gives them a physical book to help them tell the story.

Continue the art project with PART 2 of creation book.

Day 1 Creation Book preschool kinder Bible Genesis

Learn more about the Days of Creation

And of course, don’t forget to check out my Genesis Pinterest Board.

Days 2, 3, and 4 of Creation pages

Days of Creation book days 2 and 3

We kept up with our crazy Creation book, so here goes.

Day 2 God created and separated the sky from the waters, so I followed the instructions in the “My Father’s World” curriculum to make the craft, and have suggestions for changing it if you do this.


(amazon links are affiliate): construction paperSchool Glue (yes I buy it in bulk), card stock (to make it sturdier), Marker Tower

Creation story craft

Tear blue and green papers in half. Glue the blue on the top half and the green on the bottom. Then color blue all over the green paper. This didn’t turn out well.

Instead, I’d suggest a piece of blue paper and you color the bottom half with paint and crayons. Coloring with the crayons first and then using watercolors afterward to do a crayon resist.

Day 2 of Creation story

What did work for us: We added cotton balls at the top to represent the clouds that formed.


So on Day 3 God made separated the waters from the land and made all of the plants and stuff. This takes a little prep ahead of time.

Day 3 Creation story prep

 A couple of days beforehand pick some leaves. Find a nice big phonebook and stick it in there between some paper towels.

On the day of gather cardstock, blue and green construction paper (use the other half of the sheet from Day 2), glue, markers, and a small cup or bucket of dirt.

Creation story day 3

Glue the blue paper on the bottom, and cover part of the blue with the green for the land.

If you’re Batman, you need all of your green paper and all scraps of your brother and sister. It took a lot of glue for that all to stick down.

Now take your papers, a bottle of glue and go outside for the dirt. Paint glue randomly on the green area.

Creation story day 3 lots of dirt

 Then happily sprinkle as much dirt on your paper as you can.

Creation story day 3 show off work
blurry picture and all, but who can resist that face?

Show off what you’ve done so far.

Then, while they’re napping, you come in with the super breakable plants, why did I pick feverfew? It’d break into little bitty pieces if I let them do this part. Spread the glue all over and put the little pieces of plants on. Actually, I know why I picked it because I think it looks like a tree on the paper.

Creation story day 3 craft

And because I just realized I never put up pictures for Day 4….

We used watercolors and star stickers for this day.

Creation story book day 4

Finishing up the Days of Creation book

Supplies (these are affiliate links, I bought mine at a local teacher supply store): Safari Animals StickersFun Fish Stickersfarm Animals StickersZoo Animals Stickers

Who doesn’t love stickers? My kids certainly do.

So for Day 5, creating birds and fish draw a wavy line down the middle of the page. Then color the water and start putting stickers on.

Creation story book day 5

Day 6 we just loaded up with animal stickers. As you can see I meant that quite literally. Superman had a blast just putting stickers all over the place. Eventually, the page ended up about an inch thick. Okay, probably not really, it just seemed like it.

Creation Story craft day 5 on day 3

And that is where I let some control freak parts go, and let him put the bird on the wrong page because “Nests go in trees, Mommy.” So, apparently according to Batman on Day 3 God also created 1 bird and a nest to go in the tree.

And for Day 7 when God rested we have a nice blank page. I thought about putting a picture of the kids sleeping, but I rested instead and didn’t print it off.

Our Creation book is now done. I have put packing tape at the top of the pages and 3 hole punched them, and they’re going into our calendar notebook to keep and review frequently.

We had a lot of fun making it, and a lot of fun talking about the different things and discovering lots.


Days of Creation book for preschool and kindergarten


4 responses to “Creation book for preschool”

  1. This is fantastic! I liked your approach of tying this open-ended activity with something they are learning about. The picture of Batman with his tongue sticking out cracked me up. And I am pretty impressed with the results – very striking. I am learning every day from you and other moms participating in an Open-Ended festival.

  2. What a great idea! And another great one to use it for wrapping paper!

  3. Teaching My Little BookWorm Avatar
    Teaching My Little BookWorm

    great paint contrast! I love it and your righ tit flows wonderful with the first day of creation!

  4. Little Nut Tree Avatar
    Little Nut Tree

    That is a brilliant idea. Batman did a great job of covering his whole page, we're still working on that with Froglet (not for Open-ended Art, just in general).

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