David and Saul lesson

David and Saul is an odd lesson.  You have the current king and the future king fighting each other.  Then there’s that whole bit where David marries again, even though he’s still married…..  That’s fun to explain to a Sunday School class.

David and Saul lesson

But as I was organizing this lesson I cam to realize the real David and Saul lesson is one of patience and self control.  Last we saw David, he was fighting Goliath.

David and Saul lesson: patience

David and Saul map lesson

Think about how long David had to wait to become king.  He was a teen, and now he’s in his thirties and still not a king.  Not only that, but he’s being hunted by the father of his best friend AND his wife.

We started off by looking at how much David traveled.  Wondermaps (affiliate link) has a great set of maps about David, and we followed him from place to place as he traveled all over Israel.  I mean look at that map up there.  He’s all over during this period.


Imagine how David felt as he ran.  He was going to be king, and he was sleeping in caves.  He had to hide among his enemies.  See the sketch of David and Goliath?  David hid among Goliath’s relatives.  How humiliating that had to be.  Great patience in that man.

And God rewarded that patience.  While he’s on the run men flock to him.  Eventually he is leading a small army.

David and Saul lesson: Self Control

David flight from Saul

Two separate times David had the opportunity to kill Saul.  His men told him to do it, they said “God gave you this opportunity.”

Both times David turned his hand.  That takes great self control.  More than I think I have.

David and Abigail story

First at the cave David had the chance to kill Saul, and again when Saul fell asleep with all of his guards.  David snuck in and took Saul’s spear and water jug.  What amazes me even more?

He felt shame for doing these things.  He realized he had dishonored the chosen king of Israel and that was not his right.  Impressive man.

David and Abigail

Sometimes David needed reminding of who he was.  When Nabol turned down paying David for work, David was set to destroy him.  Abigail stepped in and reminded David of who he was, and what God called him to be.  David recognized her wisdom.

Now here’s the awkward part, David marries Abigail when she became a widow, and here you see David’s fatal flaw (if he was a Shakespearean charcter): women.  He can’t seem to resist them.

David and Saul mapwork

Eventually we went back to our map and looked at the small map from Wondermaps and compared it to our big map, and were amazed at David’s journeys.


David and Saul lesson resources

(affiliate links when applicable)

What’s in the Bible? Volume Five – Israel Gets a King

David Flannelboard Figures (I like this set because it includes figures to act out more than just David and Goliath, it’s got Jonathan AND a harp and sheep)

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name


Bible Road Trip 1 Samuel part 2

David and Saul lesson

Get your own David and Saul lesson.

Find out what happens to David next in the King David lesson.


10 responses to “David and Saul lesson”

  1. Look at all those smiles while they are acting out the stories. My little actor would love to do that, too. Yes, what lessons we can learn, even from imperfect men. 🙂 Love the maps.

    1. They seriously loved it. Anytime they get to act out the stories is a huge hit with them, and can be quite a hilarious scene. The scene where David proposes to Abigail was hilarious as whichever boy it was really didn’t want to have to act like he was in love.

  2. What great lessons you make up! I love how hands on they are.

    1. Thanks! It works really well for my family to do it like this, and my Sunday School too.

  3. You do a great job with these often challenging Old Testament stories!

    1. Thanks, it’s one I really struggle with because so many of these stories are foundational to understand who Jesus is, but they’re just not child appropriate. So, it takes some creative phrasing…

  4. Your kids look like they’re having fun with all that map work and dramatization. I bet they’ll never forget the story! (And yes, I find it tricky to explain about the multiple wives, too…)

    1. It’s gonna get really hairy in a few weeks when we get to the downfall of David and you get into Bathsheba, and Absolam and all the craziness with his kids.

  5. Sharon Fasnacht Avatar
    Sharon Fasnacht

    This is such a wonderful lesson! And so kid friendly! Thank you so much!!
    Is there any way to get the David and Saul lesson (the one where David cuts a corner off of the Kings robe, and Abigal and David, etc) in black and white without the colored pictures, so the kids can color the pictures? Thank you so much! Sharon

    1. I don’t currently have black and white versions yet. It takes a lot more work to make the black and white versions, because I have to spend a lot of time cleaning up the images. It’s on my to do list, but isn’t done yet.

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