does a pumpkin float science experiment preschool kind 1st 2nd

Does a pumpkin float?

Some homeschool science lessons can be super duper simple. OF course, some are not so simple, I went with simple this week because I had in-laws coming and costumes to finish. Lots of costumes to finish for Halloween, sigh silly girl.  But, back to the experiment:  Does a pumpkin float?

pumpkin sink or float experiment

Before we find out does a pumpkin float…

Pumpkin science. There are a lot of very fun math and science activities you can do with a pumpkin. Back when I taught first grade we would spend a whole day working through different activities. Here’s what we would do:

1. Measure the circumference of the pumpkin with a piece of string, and guess how long it would be (learning measurement and predicting)
2. Count the lines around the pumpkin, it’s interesting to compare the number of lines with different-sized pumpkins. I’m totally blanking right now, but it might fall into the Fibonacci sequence (and I’m sure I misspelled that). Fibonacci is a sequence an Italian scientist discovered back during the Renaissance. It goes like this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. The next number is the sum of the two previous numbers.
3. Weigh pumpkins.
4. Count pumpkin seeds, and estimate how many will be in there.

As you can see it’s a lot of counting and math, but here are the two things we did.

Does a pumpkin float?

Does a pumpkin float experiment control subjects

1. Talk about how different things will sink or float. We threw different things in the bathtub (I really shouldn’t have filled it that full, but live and learn). They had lots of fun figuring out what each thing was going to do. The boat floated, and Joker slowly sank.

Will a pumpkin float experiment excitement

2. After throwing lots of things in making your prediction will it sink or float. Superman guessed it would float, the other two thought it would sink (I did the super formal stand on this side of the bathroom if you believe it will float).

pumpkin float experiment

I’m not sure how much of this was Princess believing it would sink, and how much was, I don’t want to stop playing in the water.
* also notice the boys are wearing shorts. We’re working on them remembering to wear shorts.

yes a pumpkin floats

Result: The pumpkin floated, just like it should. So, then I let the kids have a few more minutes of throwing in toys and whatever else they could find they could convince me to throw in.

Halloween pumpkin science

And my bath tub after the experiments:

pumpkin float experiment mess afterwards

Yeah…….. That wasn’t as much fun to clean up, however I have a nice clean floor because of all the water splashed.

Does a pumpkin float preschool science

Expanding on does a pumpkin float to make it an elementary science lesson

A few years later we repeated this experiment, but we took what we’d learned from this experiment to see what would happen with other fruits.


I grabbed another smaller pumpkin, apple, orange, and a tomato.  We talked about what happened with the pumpkin, and what we thought might happen with the new fruits.


Than we made our predictions, will they sink or float?  Since they all remembered the pumpkin floating, everyone was quite sure the fruit was going to float.

I don’t have pictures of the other fruit in the bathtub, but they all floated.

Why does a pumpkin float?

It all has to do with density, shape, and things like that.  Basically, a pumpkin’s density is lower than that of water, so the water “pushes” the pumpkin up to the top.

Are you ready for something screwy?  Take the peel off of the orange and see what happens to it.

Check out some more fall science on my Fall for Kids board.

OR you can check out all of our Halloween posts over at Homeschool Halloween.

does a pumpkin float science experiment preschool kind 1st 2nd


9 responses to “Does a pumpkin float?”

  1. I love what you did with the pumpkin. Again, your kids have all the fun. I am soooooo not laid back and could learn alot from you:-).

  2. I loved your pumpkin experiments. We still have a couple of pumpkins left, and I am going to do float-or-sink today during bath time. When we did foam capsules in the summer, Anna predicted what will happen in exactly same way Batman did 🙂

  3. I love the sink or float activity! I'm a day late, but I linked up. 🙂

  4. Nicole {tired, need sleep} Avatar
    Nicole {tired, need sleep}

    It must be so much fun to be a kid at your house! I loved the pumpkin experiments!

  5. I didn't know you had a Science Sunday McLinkey. I'll link up tomorrow. Great idea!

  6. Weird Unsocialized Mom Avatar
    Weird Unsocialized Mom

    Thanks for submitting this for the Homeschool Showcase. Apparently, Blog Carnival is having issues this week and your post showed up there, but I didn't get an email with your contact info. Sooo…you won't get an email from me letting me know that the carnival is posted, so I wanted to give you a heads-up. It should be up around 8 AM on Monday. Thanks for your post!

  7. Aww your kiddos are so little here! And the comments are like a trip down bloggy memory lane!

    Great science activity, too.

    1. I know! It’s amazing how much our kids have grown.

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