You don’t have to do it all

I’ve been using Illuminations (affiliate link) now for a year and a half and in that time I’ve learned a few things.

picking what works for you in Illuminations

There is way more stuff than I could ever use in Illuminations

Last year I started out trying to do it all.  I didn’t quite make the same mistake this year, but I came pretty darn close.  I was beating myself up because I wasn’t figuring out how to get in the Read Alouds, and the Read Alone literature in addition to the kids’ reading curriculum (affiliate link).

Then a month or so ago I was in a Hangout On Air with Tyler Hogan from Bright Ideas Press (this one was about science, I highly recommend it) and he said “We purposely design our materials so you can’t do it all.”

And that’s when the light bulb went off.

Illuminations homeschool curriculum
I have 50 photos like this because my kids had to save all of their creations. FIFTY!

It didn’t matter I’d read that in all of my Mystery of History materials (affiliate link), or read it in the various teacher manuals for Illuminations or Christian Kids Explore Science (affiliate link), or any of a number of other curriculum providers.

I still was trying to do it all.


The realization I can’t do it all in Illuminations was incredibly freeing

I just gave in and realized I don’t have to do the Read Alouds or the Read Alone while we finish up AAR3 and 4.  Especially since we have a whole hour of Silent Sustained Reading each day with some assigned reading there.


which means we had extra time for making Viking broaches
which means we had extra time for making Viking broaches or is it brooch?

My other big breakthrough for the year came when talking a local homeschooling Mom and she mentioned using block scheduling.

I think some of you have mentioned it before, but I didn’t listen, because I don’t listen sometimes.


Block scheduling has made our lives easier

Now we do an entire week’s worth of work in a day for that subject.  All of history on Monday, all of Earth and Space on Tuesday, etc…  We do still complete math every day because I feel they need a daily dose of math to not forget it all (especially my kids, I think an alien ate their math knowledge over Christmas break).  We also still have a version of morning meeting most days, and reading most days.

I say most days because some days we just don’t get those things in, we’re too busy with other things, usually a big project.

And that’s okay.


Life for us this week


It was a week of trying to get back into routines.  With some success.

life back to normal

Monday was history, grocery shopping, and dinner with Mimi.  The kids also got a big announcement, “We’re going to Disney World!”  So, there’s been a lot of planning for that.

Tuesday was earth and space, and Lego club, then planning session for Magic Kingdom (our Disney vacation is turning into a great research project for the kids).  Oh and watching Mr. Popper’s Penguins because the kids finished reading it.

week of learning

Wednesday was astronomy day and finishing up a few other projects before Kung Fu, Small group, and a walk.  We’re trying to get lots of walks in to get in shape for walking a lot on our trip.

Thursday was Bible (it was going to be Bible, but our printer is not working), more projects I wanted to complete, friend over, American Heritage Girls, and my bit of alone time for the week.  I love that hour and a half I have no one with me.

Today is going to be a finishing up earlier projects, art project, and cleaning.  Our dishwasher broke, so it’s going to be lots of dish washing.


Now, I’ve drunk my half pot of tea, I’m ready to face the day.



18 responses to “You don’t have to do it all”

  1. Yes, we all fall victim to the want-to-do-it-all syndrome. I have been looking at revamping our schedule as well. Always a treat to see your weekly wrap-ups.

    1. It’s so hard not to fall victim to them. It’s also hard when you see someone who’s completes a unit you wanted to do, and they did all these cool ideas you hadn’t thought of.

  2. Looks like a great week! I am thinking of switching to block scheduling as well! Can you write out what subjects you do each day verse which you do on block scheduling?

    1. I’ll try to remember to add this into the post when I’m not tired, but here you go.
      Everyday: math, 1 hour of independent reading, and I pretend to do a daily reading lesson and our revised calendar time, I also want to work writing into daily
      Block schedule: history, geography, science (both of them, what was I thinking?)

  3. That is one of the reasons why I love Bright Ideas Press and the curriculum they use and sell. They give you so many options and ways that you can use. You don’t have to do it all. Do what you can, because the kids are still learning. 🙂

    1. I know, and yet I keep thinking I have to do it all (like they’re Pokemon).

  4. This is such an important thing for all parents to remember!

    1. It really is.

  5. I think most of us suffer from the do-it-all syndrome at one time or another. It’s difficult to shake off when everyone else (online) seems to have it altogether all the time! 🙂 I’m very glad that you’ve got that sorted out now, and your children are thriving under the new schedule. That’s a very good start to the year!

    1. I know, and in my head I now all these people online really are not doing everything, but it sure seems like they are.

  6. Yup, I could do with a big sign in my kitchen reminding me of that. Not that I ever even come close to doing it all, but as you say it’s so freeing to “get” that it’s not even possible, so we can give ourselves a break and enjoy what we ARE doing.

    1. Maybe we should start a group, “Over-achievers anonymous”

  7. Marie-Claude Leroux Avatar
    Marie-Claude Leroux

    Wonderful to hear that such a freeing truth has fully sunk in – though I’m sure you, like most of us – homeschooling or not – need regular reminders. And I must say, from my perspective reading your posts and wrap ups of everything else you do – you sure seem to come close to doing it all!

    1. That’s because you can’t see the piles and piles of mess that gets left behind. Or the lack of sleep.

  8. You’re right, we can’t do it all nor should we try.
    It seems this is the year for a lot of home schooling mums to try to simplify and not do too much.
    I hope you have a lovely 2015, full of not doing it all!

    1. Thanks, I’m hoping so too!

  9. I can see how tempting it is to do it all when you are the one responsible for your kids’ education. I am constantly moving from “hands off” to “hands on” approach in planning daughter’s after school time – currently mostly in “hands off” phase.

    1. I think it’d be just as much of a temptation for school kid Moms because you have much less time together so there’s a big temptation to schedule that time to make the most of it.

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