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Do you ever bite off more than you can chew?
I do, all the time, and you’ll see why I asked this question, as you read on, but I’m going to interrupt that story for another. Our family is currently on the ultimate homeschool history field trip ever, and one of my favorite places to be. Can you guess where it is?
If you guessed Colonial Williamsburg, you’d be right. We’re having a blast learning about all sorts of things. As I looked over my pictures from the first two days, I’ve noticed a large number of pictures of Princess, which makes sense, because I’m pushing her around in a wheelchair because of her broken leg. So, she’s always right there as I take pictures.
Several more of Batman, because he’s been super excited and getting involved, and very few of Superman. But, we haven’t hit the particular areas he’s been super excited by.
I also noticed I have exactly two pictures of myself on this trip so far. Oh wait three, but one of those was an “Oops, I took the picture before you’re ready” picture, so it doesn’t really count. I must remedy that soon.
My poor kids have also gotten to listen to me oooohhhhh, and ahhhhhhh over the pretty fabrics, and an amazing museum display where I got to see inside the usually locked drawers. It’s super cool. I’ve also taken tons of reference pictures for a few projects I’m working on that are somewhat on the back burner right now.
But, I’m mainly writing this because I had this big theory of writing a few things and posting from the hotel at night. However, I’ve discovered the internet here is HORRIBLE, and I mainly spend my time complaining to my husband about it, and quite honestly, I’d rather spend it doing fun stuff, like talking to the interpreters about their characters, and do my best not to argue with a horribly misinformed women who kept insisting 1 in3 households owned a sewing machine in 1860s.
If you’d like to see what we’re up to, I highly encourage you to go check out my Instagram feed. I had to refrain from posting too much of the cool stuff because I didn’t want to overwhelm people’s feed with the cool stuff.
Back to that opening question, I have been struggling with that particular question these last several weeks because I yet again tried to do too many things. So, the thing falling by the wayside for this week is blogging. I have one post scheduled for Friday, I think, or maybe it’s Thursday. Well, it’s coming soon. Hopefully my next hotel will have better internet because I have two posts I want to write on this trip. You’ll have to wait with bated breath** to find out if I get that internet.
** I wonder where that phrase came from.
8 responses to “Do you ever bite off more than you can chew?”
I’m so pleased you are having a wonderful and not just a little bit jealous…. I’m trying to slow down my blogging, but there are so many things to say I am finding it hard 🙁
Enjoy the rest of your trip!I keep saying I’ll slow down on what I’m posting, and then I back up on what I want to write. Of course Princess breaking her leg right before we left did not help my time crunch any.
I am routinely jealous of the field trips you get to go on.
Yes always bite of more than I can chew! I am currently in a season of trying to reduce my load. The picture at the scenic overlook is like 20 miles from my house! I wondered which route you were going to take to get there. Looks like everyone is having fun! Even Princess is being a trouper in her wheelchair!
She really has been.
I’m beginning to realize I need to send out a “I’m going in this general direction, how close are you to it?” before I travel, as you are the second person who I realized I could have met in real life on this trip. That would have been a lot of fun.
Williamsburg is always amazing. Great pictures! They will never forget it.
I am always trying to do too much!
My parents will be in Colonial Williamsburg this week!
There’s a good chance they might have seen us there! It was an awesome week, we accidentally ended up there on homeschool week, which tempted me to sign up for so many things.
Don’t worry about blogging – enjoy your trip 🙂
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