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Fall of Man Bible game
Last night I was desperately trying to think of a good activity to go with our Fall of Man lesson for Sunday School today. We’ve changed up our class schedule, so I have a bit more time for some activities in some ways, but no time for recess, so I’m trying to come up with more active games. Which can be somewhat challenging sometimes. Take today’s lesson: The Fall of Man, how to create a fun Fall of Man game?
And I’m really sorry, but since I played this in my Sunday School, I don’t have any pictures of us actually playing the game, so you’re getting stock photos.
How do you turn the Fall of Man into a movement activity?
A couple of caveats:
- I don’t want to focus on the snake. Most crafts focus on the snake, and that is NOT going to happen in my classroom.
- Our classroom is in a gym with other classes, our walls are giant fabric curtains that partition the gym. That rules out games involving walls unless you change it to touching a table, which we have done.
I was talking with Jeff about my dilemma, and said, “I had a thought of some kind of blame game, but can’t quite figure out how to make this work.”
He said, “What you need is something like Poor Kitty, but instead coming up with excuses.” So, that’s what we came up with.
Pick up the full lesson on the Fall of Man here.
How to play my game
Everyone sits in a circle with one less chair than kids. The person in the middle comes up with something a person did. “Bob stole my Kit Kat bar!”
Then Bob has to come up with an excuse for why he stole the bar and name another person, “You’re right I stole it, but it’s not my fault. Mary dared me to steal it!”
Then the person in the center goes over to Mary and they have to come up with another excuse for another person. If they can’t they become the person in the middle.
It led to some pretty funny excuses for why things happened and had lots of laughing.
Don’t want to run around? Try the Fall of Man card game
This is an Old Maid style card game and the product includes both color and black and white versions of the game (for the kids who like to color).
Now let’s talk about how we all like to shift the blame
You know what’s funny?
We all do this. Every single one of us when we’re caught. We desperately search for a reason that it’s not our fault we did whatever wrong we did.
God went to Adam and said, “What have you done?”
Adam turned to Eve and said, “It’s her fault. She told me to do it.”
God turned to Eve and she said, “It’s the snake’s fault. He told me it was good to eat.”
The serpent, just like whoever ends up in the middle didn’t have a response. Or, it wasn’t recorded.
We all know what happens when you ask a kid about the broken toy. They come up with lots of reasons why it isn’t their fault.
Unless it’s George Washington, then he cannot tell a lie, and he did cut down the cherry tree.
There are always consequences for your sin.
Adam and Eve got some big ones.
They were escorted out of Eden, never to return.
But, good consequences always have a way to mend the relationship.
Genesis 3:15
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
That’s our first glimpse of the Gospel, the protoevangelium to use a fancy word.
Someday we would no longer have to worry about whose fault it was.
More fun learning in Genesis
Pictures I used:
- Photo by Craig Philbrick on Unsplash
- Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
2 responses to “Fall of Man Bible game”
I like the game and I had to look up the verse to understand its meaning. But it sounds from the verse that the struggle will never be over?
Brilliant, I loved that first one of the excuse maker… I can imagine it working really well!! Thank you very much!
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