Fall of Man Craft Genesis Bible Old Testament

Fall of Man craft



Way back when my boys were maybe two or three and my kids were constantly getting sick Jeff and I volunteered as subs for Sunday School. We knew we weren’t at a stage of life to volunteer every week, but this let us help when kids weren’t sick. One week we were helping out in the classroom and they were learning about the Fall of Man. The teacher would call one kid over, paint their arm brown, help the kid press down, then she passed the child on to me and I grabbed a wet wipe and wiped all the paint off before they had time to make a mess. When it dried they had a tree trunk for a Fall of Man Fruit craft.

It was brilliant.

Fall of Man craft

(there are affiliate links in here, including that wet wipes link up above)

It was also incredibly messy and volunteer intensive. She couldn’t have done that if she didn’t have two volunteers solely devoted to that craft, and another volunteer helping keep the room from going crazy.

I love the idea of that craft, but also knew there is no way most Sunday School teachers could do that (if you’re here looking for ideas with your kids, now you know a fun messy version to start this craft).

Instead, I decided to start off with a base for the tree and create the Fall of Man fruit craft from there.

Supplies for the Fall of Man fruit craft

Fall of Man Unit (save and get the whole Fall of Man Bundle with both games, and the storybooks in color and black line), paint or stamp pad, scissors, glue stick

In the Fall of Man Unit, there are printable instructions for the craft, so if you need reminders you don’t have to pull up the website.

Fall of Man craft for Sunday School

Side note on Fall of Man crafts I find

I have a pet peeve related to Fall of Man crafts. You know what is the easiest part of this story to turn into a craft?

The snake.

That’s right, if you ever search up Fall of Man Bible crafts you will find many different versions of a snake craft. Cutting up a paper plate in a spiral to make a snake, bead snakes, construction paper look snakes, many many snakes.

But I don’t want to focus on the snake.

The snake is the tempter, the one who distracts people from God.

I choose not to focus on it, so I’m not making that craft.

If you want that type of craft, get busy searching elsewhere.

I’m also deliberately not making my fruit on this tree an apple. We don’t know what type of fruit it was, and I’m of the opinion it wasn’t any fruit we know about.

So, grab all the paint colors to make your fruit, have fun. In the Fall of Man card game I made the fruit polka dot colored, because that greatly amused me.

Getting back to making the craft

This is really easy, and probably doesn’t need step by step, but I learned in my many years of teaching Sunday School, not everyone can break down how to do a craft by seeing the end product, and I make assumptions that are not good.

Fall of Man fruit craft

Cut out all the pieces of the tree. Side note, I was going to make another version where you could use the tree trunk and then tear construction paper leaves. Somehow I never made that version.


Total missed opportunity.

tree of knowledge of good and evil craft steps

Glue the leaf blobs on in whatever way appeals to you. Apparently, my tree is very blobby. I actually think I could have arranged that better.

That could make for a great conversation with the kids you’re constructing it with. Why are they arranging it that way?

fall of man tree of knowledge of good and evil final step

Finally, use your paint or stamp pad to put fruit on the tree. I opted for purple in my sample, but it could be a lot of fun to let the kids create a tree with a rainbow of fruit.

Fall of Man Craft Genesis Bible Old Testament

It’s a fun simple craft you can do with kids at the end of your Sunday School lesson and bonus: it’s easy to clean up.

I may have to update my Fall of Man Unit later when I have a chance to add in the other versions that are now percolating in my head.

This is why it takes me so long to finish a project, I keep thinking of more cool ideas.

More great Bible crafts


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