France Unit geography Europe 4th

France Unit

Sooooo… I was working on updating my Europe notebook of my own, and realized I hadn’t actually finished my France notebooking pages, and then I looked and figured out I never shared with y’all the entirety of our France Unit that we finished ages ago as we studied our way through Europe in our geography lessons. France was a tricky place to study because so much history happened there. I’m actually going to include our history lessons that happened in France.

France Unit

(there are affiliate links in here)

Books used for our France Unit Study

France picture books

Our library had SOOOOOOO many books on France. So many books. So many books, that I created an entire France book list.

From this great source of books, we headed out and split our France Unit into a few different areas.

France Unit: YouTube list

As I was trying to finish writing this post I realized I needed to put together a video list so you can still learn about many of the ideas if you don’t have the same books our library has. It’s not complete by a long shot, but it’s a good starting point for a France video list to add to our France Unit.

I didn’t add in the French Revolution or much for World War 1, which could be added in.

France Unit: notebooking pages

We partially studied France twice, I say that because I have a France page filled out for some now defunct notebooking page company, and then went back a second time to fill it out with our current style of notebooking pages (you can get the Europe notebooking pages here).

I have put up the France notebooking pages on the subscriber page (I’m about to do a bulk upload of so many country notebooking pages and booklists I hadn’t uploaded yet). Join my newsletter here to get access to the subscriber page.

France notebooking pages

My takeaways apparently:

  • France is divided into 27 regions, which sounded a bit like counties to me?
  • I continue to find it hilarious that France originally hated the Eiffel Tower and considered it an eyesore, and now it’s like the tourist destination, and everyone instantly recognizes it.

The rest of our France notebooking pages are down below.

French art and musicians

There is a whole slew of famous French artists and musicians, and we had a blast trying to create art in their style and listening to some of the music.

France notebooking pages artists musicians and history

Okay, I looked back at this and we actually only listened to the music of Joseph Boulogne, a fascinating young man.

Videos for these artists and

  • Joseph Boulogne- I loved listening to his music
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Monet- oh, I never wrote about what we did…. I’ll have to dig that up and find it
  • Henri Rousseau
  • Matisse
  • Coco Chanel- she was a fascinating woman, and yes I use the word fascinating a lot, blame Mr. Spock, and well worth learning about

Famous people and events notebooking pages

France Unit geography Europe 4th

I only have blog posts for a few of these, but there are videos with information AND books on the book list.

General Facts about France and French culture in our France Unit Study


One part of our notebooking pages is to find out general information about each country we study. I found a great website, France Facts for Kids to generally fill that information out. We also will grab the France card from our Cardline Geography game to fill out the information quickly. Of course, you can always head over to the France Wikipedia page to get a list of mountains or rivers to know there.

France Unit: recipe

Years ago when I was part of the Around the World in 12 Dishes group I made Skillet Cordon Bleu, a lazy man’s version of the Chicken Cordon Blue, and then when we had our Les Miserables book club I made about a million actual french dishes, so I don’t have a specific recipe I’m sharing here.

France Unit for homeschool geography

More 4th-grade learning fun

All right, so I’m totally making up when we finished this France Unit because it’s been that long. I’m arbitrarily saying we started it in 4th grade. So I’m sharing 4th grade ideas.

Eiffel Tower” by szeke is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


One response to “France Unit”

  1. I miss France! Last time we went for our 10th wedding anniversary. Maybe we will make it a tradition and go for our 20th 🙂 Traveling under the channel on the train is still on the list of things to do in my lifetime. It was still in construction when I lived in Paris.

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