Joseph in Jail activities

Whenever I’m feeling particularly put upon or like life hasn’t been fair, I think of Joseph.  He got the short end of the stick for a significant portion of his life, and not for anything he really did.  Since a lot of the activities I had come up with were more of the sit-and-discuss, I wanted a few fun silly activities for the kids to work on during our reading lessons, so I found some other activities online, and they’d make great Sunday School activities.

Our lesson left off Joseph had lost his coat, and now he was in Egypt.

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A couple of quick thoughts on Joseph in Jail

Joseph really does get the short end of the stick to start off, but the thing to remember is he never gives up hope.  While most of the theme of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is to pick yourself up by your bootstraps, they do get the idea of him in jail right.  Everything else may have turned its back on Joseph, but he still has God.

Also, it’s a really good idea to pull out that Joseph did his best for Potiphar regardless of why he was in that situation.  That’s a pretty awesome example to follow.

Joseph in Jail activities

Joseph in jail printable activity

They enjoyed this activity I found from Church House Collection.  The boys wanted to turn theirs into puppets, so they dug up some popsicle sticks and an envelope to play with them more.

Joseph in jail activities felt board and copywork

Our other two activities was acting out Joseph’s story this week using our felt board (they don’t have Joseph, or I don’t, so I used: Moses Figures and David Figures to get the right assortment).  My kids always love retelling the story this way.

They also continued their work through Genesis Copywork, I fear we’ll finish the book of the Bible before we finish our copywork, I haven’t been as diligent on it as I could.  I am seeing improvement in their handwriting, sometimes.Click here to visit Classical Copywork (and get your copy of it).

Potiphar's Wife Tag

By far though, their favorite activity of the week was Potiphar’s wife tag.  They loved chasing each other and pretending to give kisses.  It’s especially amusing to me because the boys right now can’t stand to be kissed, and you practically have to wrestle them to give good night kisses.  I’ve gotten a few elbows to the face as they try to wriggle out of kisses.

One activity that I never did, that I will have to remember for another time around is show them part of “Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” specifically the song “Close Every Door to Me.”  I can’t really recommend the whole DVD of this version because the women are rather scantily clad (like Vegas show girls), but I love this song.

To get the free storybook printable with Joseph in Jail activities and questions just click on the picture below.

Joseph in jail activities, storybook, and discussion question printable

To see how Joseph’s story started head over to Joseph’s coat, and to see how it ends head over to Joseph forgives his brothers.

Joseph in jail lessons learned
So, I’m working on updating and transferring all my images to digital art, and looking at the Joseph update and I’m really not liking this. I’m going to have to try again. I was trying for a golden honey-ish color, and this is more pink tones. Sigh

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Joseph in jail Bible lesson


7 responses to “Joseph in Jail activities”

  1. The Joseph dvd has to be one of my favourite of all times! The music is sooo lovely!

  2. What an informative post. I’m sure it will be welcomed by many who are looking for creative ideas. May God continue to bless you as you train up your kids to know Him. Glad you linked at Do Not Depart today.

  3. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I love that song!

    1. Me too, I’ve been sitting here with it running through my head all day since writing this post.

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