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Goals and planning for 2015
It’s all over the blog world, what are your goals for 2015? What do you plan to do this coming year, and I’ve been trying to think over this.
Last year I came up with a word for the year, gazelle. And while I was going to be a gazelle, I still ended up as a squirrel. I flitted all around and was distracted by this and that.
Last year’s parenting goals
Were kind of met. I didn’t read the book I wanted to read, I did work on the kids’ chores habits, but they still need progress, and the kids are kind of reading the Bible daily.
Last year’s spiritual goals
I laugh at you reading all of Psalms, well actually if I’m truthful I kind of yell at Psalms and threaten to throw things when I read it, and moan just as dramatically as I accuse the book of Psalms of being. I did read all the minor prophets and summarize them. If I memorized 12 verses I don’t remember them now, so I don’t think that really counts. That prayer journal was never actually done. Sigh, and double sigh.
Last year’s homemaking goals
I laugh at them, ha HA ha ha. Also known as it was quite pathetic. The major organizing did not happen. The family room was almost always picked up (thanks to kids’ chores) and the dishes were sometimes done (because of the kids’ chores).
I will be sad when my “slave labor/minions” graduate and go away for college. Of course when that happens they won’t be making the messes.
Last year’s blogging goals
Were somewhat achieved. I have to say somewhat because I was really nonspecific last time and that doesn’t help me remember them.
But on to this year, how and what am I going for this year? Let’s break it down similarly.
Spiritual Goals for 2015
I read this spiritual goals post and loved some of the suggestions (seriously I think I shared it on every social media outlet I’m on, and I’m planning on sharing it with my Sunday School parents), so here’s some that I’m going to steal from her and add a few of my own.
- Write every “I will” in Psalms, maybe I’ll hate Psalms less if I have something to focus on, and less on the drama…. I can dream right?
- Transcribe an entire book of the Bible. I’m working on 2 Timothy right now, and am halfway done.
- Write a Bible study for a book of the Bible that doesn’t need illustrations. Honestly I enjoy studying the Bible this way and breaking it down for people to study themselves.
Parenting Goals for 2015
- Restart one on one time with my kids each week. I used to do that, but I’ve frittered time away and been “too busy” to keep it up.
- Actually read the parenting books I’ve bought. I think I’ve got around 4 or 5 of them now.
- Figure out what makes each of my kids tick right now. I know this is a changing thing, but I want to try and keep up.
Homeschooling Goals for 2015
This wasn’t a goal area last year, but it really should have been. I probably need an entire post to summarize this one, but two quick things I’ve learned in the past few months:
- You can’t do everything in the schedule. Stop trying.
- Be willing to throw out the schedule from time to time.
- Know when to stick to the schedule.
Okay that was 3, but I’m working on those last two, figuring out when is the right time and when is the wrong time to be obstinate about schedules.
Right, on to my goals now.
- Get my kids writing a 5 paragraph essay/story/what have you by end of May. I’m going to work really hard with our new writing curriculum and be more proactive about this.
- Work on the kids’ typing skills. Princess is still picking away at her typing class, but I need to make sure she completes it daily, not the sporadic bits she’s doing right now.
- Find a way to teach math that doesn’t drive Princess nuts.
- Encourage Batman’s love of science. Seriously the boy loves it.
- Find Superman’s passion. I know the other two kids, but Superman hasn’t displayed a passion for anything in school. He’s our class clown…
Homemaking Goals
I’m not Suzy Housewife, not in the least. I’m too scatter-brained and ADD to focus and get things done. I’m great at starting plans and organization styles, but I don’t stick to them. I’m working on it, and slowly we’re making progress. It’s slow. I can see the progress at times, but there’s nights like tonight, where it feels like we’ll never have it all figured out. Back to the topic, goals.
- Participate in the 365 Declutter program. They’ve got it broken down into 15 minute challenges to do each day. Some of which I’ve done already. I already have Jan. 1 done. I’ve got a home management binder made (though I’m thinking of updating it some).
- While the kids are mostly responsible for downstairs cleaning, I need to keep MY room tidy, and I haven’t been. That’s a big goal for me this year.
- Planning lunches, I tend to leave them until we’re starving and then stare at the frig saying “What shall we eat?” That’s not a good plan.
- Saving better. I’d love for us to save more into our emergency fund, toward that end Jeff and I should budget each month. We’re not going into debt, but I think we could make more progress.
Personal Goals
I didn’t set these last year. I don’t know why, I should have. So, here goes.
- Sew at least 1 for fun project each month. My priority is to use my stash for this, but sew down the mound of fabric hiding up in the school room closet.
- Sew the super cool knight hoodie I’ve got sketched out.
- Sew a skirt to go with my noblewoman’s costume. Right now I’ve got a gorgeous dress, but no skirt that works with it. I also want to hand embroider or maybe machine embroider something. Maybe some beadwork….
- Use my time more wisely.
Blogging Goals
I’m going to be more specific this year, otherwise how will I know what my goals were.
- Set up and create a newsletter.
- Plan out my posts a month ahead of time.
- Write out those posts at least a week ahead of time with the goal of working towards a month ahead of time.
- Be more active on facebook. I have a real love hate with it, but I know it’s a great way to interact with people who don’t tend to comment on blogs, and I’d love to get to know my readers more (aside from a few very good and dear friends who comment regularly).
Well, that’s my goals for the year. I was talking with a blogging friend and she is setting quarterly goals. I was thinking of actually setting monthly goals for specific things each month. That way I can take into account what my life is like each month. So I know January and February are going to be busy, recognize what I can achieve because of that business…….
All right, it’s midnight right now, so I’m going to be somewhat good and go to bed. I’ll add in random cute pictures of my family tomorrow.
6 responses to “Goals and planning for 2015”
Everyone has a Facebook page…I’m thinking I need one…but I’m not sure why – except that people keep mentioning theirs 🙂 I laugh at your laughing at Psalms – Ha! Psalms is my go to/fall back book for those times when I’m feeling spiritually dry. The only book I like more is Ecclesiastes – vanity of vanities, all is vanity! Now that I think about it, maybe that’s why I just can’t get serious about making year end goals 🙂
I think what you’re doing is working for you, and you do great at your blog. I also don’t want you to become over-committed and quit blogging again for a while, because that would be sad. So, no Facebook page for you 🙂
I’m not much of one for emotions and touchy feely stuff, so Psalms drives me nuts. If I’m feeling spiritually dry I go to James or Romans and read those, and then I get a nice swift kick in the butt to get moving and get a-going again.
I like making goals. As you can see, I’m not so good on following through on them. But, I like to make them. And every time I make that same goal again I get one step closer to achieving it. Or that’s my theory.
Great goals! I still need to set mine.. something I am going to work on tonight! What I try to do is set me goals and then figure out how much I need to do each month. Then I look back on the goals each month and see where I need to make more progress.
I’m hoping to do that this year, but as I just emailed you that’s not going so well just this week.
Those are awesome goals! I hope you are spectacularly successful this year. Perhaps we should organize a mini support group to keep each other accountable 🙂
Ironically enough I’ve ended up in a couple of different mini-support groups and I’m loving the challenge of it. Of course I’m already behind on one of my goals, sigh.
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