Happy 15th birthday Artist!

Saturday you turned 15. It’s amazing how much a year can change you. I just reread your 14th birthday post, and apparently I said the same thing last year.

You are an amazing young woman

You work so hard to include everyone in all you do, and work to ensure your communication with people is uplifting.

I’ve enjoyed watching through different TV shows with you as the boys go to Kung Fu. We watched through Gilmore Girls and had a blast talking through the decisions Lorelai and Rory made as both of them grew up. We regularly yelled at them as they made horrible decisions. We watched through Avatar together, and now we’re watching Legend of Korra and complaining about the microwave storylines.

You have a great sense of humor. You renamed everyone in your phone with something that describes them. I’m Time-Traveling Velociraptor Messing because of all the TTVR (how I abbreviate it in my notes as I work on the history questions) quiz questions. In response I renamed you Womb Goblin on my phone.

Which you found mildly amusing.

You are still thinking through all of your ideas, and it’s so much fun to see your thoughts mature and grow up.

You’ve put in the hard work at church and now you have some good friends that you can trust with your problems and they’ll listen to you. You also see the value in persevering to find those friendships, and I’m so thankful for all you have done.

You’ve been open about your struggles with some issues. It’s not my story to share, so I’m not going to share them here, but I’ve been impressed with your willingness to share that with others and help others with their struggles. Your story has encouraged everyone who’s heard it.

You’ve done well starting college classes, persevering even when your first college class was not taught well. You learned how to respond to that, and continue on. You LOVE your psychology class right now, and I’m learning a lot as you talk about your class. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Speaking of sharing with me, it’s fun to share your love of musicals and talk with you about the books you love. It’s even more fun when it’s a book I love too.

You came to truly hate your original blog nickname of Princess, so we compromised at The Artist, which really is just Artist, but The Artist seems so much more amusing to me.

My prayers for you this year

I was looking back at last year’s prayers and many of them came true, and some you are still working on, so I’ll keep praying for that.

I pray for you as you continue in your college classes that you learn how to balance all of your jobs you have.

I pray learning to drive goes smoothly for you.

I pray you continue to grow in your faith.

I pray you continue to grow in maturity and resolve.

All in all, I say:

And since I’m writing this AFTER your birthday, I know you had a great day. I just wish I’d gotten a picture of us together. Sadness, no picture of us together.

Prior birthday posts


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