Happy Easter!

He is risen!


He is risen indeed!


May you have a wonderful Easter!  We’re enjoying a day of family and time together, and I hope that you do as well.


Science Sunday

<div align="center"><a href="https://ticiamessing.com/category/science-sunday/" title="Science Sunday"><img src="https://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g344/Ticia1/AiMScienceSundaycopy.jpg" alt="Science Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Now link up your SCIENCE posts, new and old, and then visit some of the other posts linked up and say hi. I’m going to be pinning, commenting, FBing or tweeting all of the posts linked up as the week goes by. At the end of the month I’m going to feature the best posts linked up.

Make sure to include a link back to my blog so people can come back from your post to see what others have done.  By linking you are agreeing I can feature your posts in a round up post later (I may use a picture to feature, but will link back).


3 responses to “Happy Easter!”

  1. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. What a great family photo. Happy Easter!

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