Every summer we stop our formal learning. I originally thought I was going to be a year round homeschooler, and then I learned I just couldn’t make it work. Instead I came up with summer funschooling and getting some more of the in-depth projects done we never quite seem to have time for. This year I found some new ways to have that summer homeschooling. The best part, all of these fantastic tools are offered 100% free for summer by the Homeschool Buyers Co-op.
Further our cooking adventures for this bit of summer learning
Who wants to turn on the oven when it’s 100° degrees outside? I certainly don’t, and yet my kids want to eat every day. With Kids Cook Real Food I’ve found a way to do that, with a slow cooker and instant pot recipes kids can cook.
This is the turkey he cooked on his birthday. My involvement pretty much was finding the pan, that’s it. It was AMAZING
SCORE! You know what’s better than that?
How about getting it for free? Done! Kids Cook Real Food is part of The Homeschool Buyers Co-op Free for the Summer program!
Let my daughter enjoy some more art classes
I have an entire week this summer with just Princess (yes, the picture up above is like 6 years old), and I’m packing it full of all the things my boys aren’t as fond of, and Meet the Masters means we can explore all sorts of classical artwork.
Let my kiddos lead in their learning this summer
Summer is the time to let your kids pursue their interests. The Co-op has included Visual Latin (a super highly praised Latin curriculum from all I’ve heard) as well as CCC! Streaming Media (you can select one CCC! program, great if you’ve got elementary kids) in their Free for the Summer deal!
Keep Skills Fresh, we always switch up our schooling for the summer
Every summer we switch to a different math that’s “fun” for the summer to let the kiddos keep practicing.
This summer you can keep kiddos math skills fresh with DoodleMaths. If one of your older students is preparing for the SAT or ACT, MathHelp.com is a wonderful tool to help ensure they continue to build mastery over the summer.
If summertime activities make your kids seem to forget everything you taught them about grammar, then Fix-It Grammar from IEW is a quick and easy way to ensure their writing skills don’t suffer during the summer months!
Make Summer Learning A Game
Summer is a great time to introduce educational games into our homeschool classrooms. The Co-op has awesome game-based learning programs that we can have free access to all summer long. Kids can learn to code with CodaKid (this is awesome for me because it was on my try out list for Superman!) and CompuScholar (now on my list to look at). Check out Q Wunder fun games that reinforce the skills we teach our children every day like responsibility, self-awareness, teamwork, and patience.
If the thought of summer brain-drain has you wondering what you will do to prevent it, then be sure to check out these free opportunities at the Homeschool Buyers Co-op! Membership is always free and comes with exclusive member benefits year-round. JOIN NOW!
4 responses to “Keep learning going all summer long!”
We are doing some light school around here too. We are increasing family read aloud time and adding in some great literature/history based movies. It should be fun and keep us moving.
Blessings, Dawn
So many great ideas here. Our summer is a bit more packed than I would like it to be, but we are hoping to get some math in. Otherwise, it’s just reading and watching documentaries 🙂
This year I’m deliberately NOT packing it super full, well… other than June, but that couldn’t be helped, so I’m looking forward to trying out some of these things.
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