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The Homeschool How To Series

I’m over halfway through my homeschooling career as a homeschool Mom, which is a very strange thing to realize. Through the years I’ve come to realize there are many necessary skills we don’t think to teach as a homeschool parents. Necessary life skills they need to know. We talk about preparing our kids for life and teaching them to cook and do laundry, but have we prepared them to survive in a college classroom? I set myself a challenge to find all of the needed skills I had to teach my child before they graduated. That’s what this series is all about, the skills you need to teach your homeschool kid.

Hi, Future Ticia 2023 here, over the years I started tagging posts that are useful for homeschoolers as homeschool how to, so this series expanded out beyond just things you need to know to prepare for college, into things we homeschoolers use all the time that we don’t think about teaching, or useful tools like a homeschool office or a spelling board.

So, I’m updating this post 5 years later, when I’m almost at the end of my homeschooling career with all of the ideas I use all the time in homeschooling at different times in our homeschool career.

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The Homeschool How To Series

For the next five days, I’m going to either post new content or update some old posts working through how I taught each skill your child needs to know. If it’s an old post I’ll be updating it with what else I’ve learned, and as I think of more skills to add in, I’ll add them to this series. It’s kicking off with five skills you need to teach your homeschool kid.

General homeschool how to

These are posts generically about homeschooling whether it’s about starting or little tips and tricks as you homeschool

Homeschool tools

This first homeschool how to section is useful tools you can make for your homeschooling and use over and over again for the years to come:

Soft learning skills

There are a lot of soft skills we don’t tend to think about teaching, things like reading comprehension, how to take notes, but are very important for your students to learn, most of these to start off fall under reading, but they really are for every academic subject

  • How to build reading comprehension– Confession, I didn’t think this was necessary until I started thinking about SATs and driving tests. This is the skill of looking for those annoying details they like to put on tests, not the skill of understanding a book you’ve read and told about the plot (that is actually a different skill).
  • How to take notes– I distinctly remember learning this skill. It’s one you’ll use all of your life until you die. Unless you plan to stop learning, I don’t recommend that. Jeff takes notes at his work as he goes to continuing education. I take notes at church and at lectures. You will always take notes
  • How to take tests– This is the post that started it all. My kids ran into their first ever “traditional test” and bombed it. That’s when I started thinking about skills I’d forgotten I’d learned.
  • How to write a research paper– This skill grows as your kids get older. I originally wrote this when my kids were in elementary school. My standards for their research papers have grown since then.
  • How to edit your paper– This is a hard skill my kids are still working on. They hate editing, but they will need it all of their life.
  • Teach your kids how to cook– oh this one isn’t specifically starting in reading! It is however insanely important!
  • How to give a presentation– useful in so many subjects

Ideas specific to subject areas

I could have put these up in the vague homeschooling, but most of these went with specific subject areas, but not enough (right now) to get their own area

Homeschool How To

Okay, that’s everything I have tagged Homeschool How To, but as I was prepping this post and looking for pictures to add in, I discovered a whole slew more of posts I should have tagged homeschool how to (like that homeschooling high school with college in mind).

But, it’s been a long week, so I’ll find the rest later.

Originally published April 8, 2018 and republished in 2023


8 responses to “The Homeschool How To Series”

  1. Phyllis at All Things Beautiful Avatar
    Phyllis at All Things Beautiful

    I am looking forward to this series. Even a veteran like me can use this information.

    1. I feel that way about a lot of your posts like this. It always gives me a new way to look at things.

  2. This is a great idea for the series! You have a lot of insight to share!

    1. Thanks! I’m looking forward to going through this, it’s interesting to me to see how many of these ideas I’d already written about before.

  3. All very useful stuff! What are your how-tos for science and math?

    1. Hmmm, great question. That would really depend on how you mean the question.

      For math, we’ve got some cheat sheets we use, from Creative, Clever, and Classy to help remind them of formulas and such. But, I really need to sit them down soon because we’re getting into more complicated math to show them how to work out a problem step by step.

      I’m not quite sure for science. The formula working is probably very similar to the math step by step. I’ll have to think on that. For the textbooks, it’s pretty much the note-taking how to.

  4. Natalie PlanetSmarty Avatar
    Natalie PlanetSmarty

    Wow, it feels like only yesterday we all were “half way through” and now our kids are about to graduate. Even without homeschooling, I wonder often whether my daughter is ready for “real life” and whether she will be able to hold on fast to her values. Only time will tell!

  5. You’ve created quite the resource over the years!

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