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Homeschool Curriculum

Through our many years of homeschooling, I’ve had the privilege of using many different curricula, some because I thought it would be the perfect match for our family, some because I was getting to try it out to share with y’all. I don’t know about you, but I find it immensely helpful to see how other homeschool moms like a particular curriculum, or materials, and often use it to make my curriculum buying decisions.
(Side note, I rebranded my blog, and there are over 10 years of posts to update, so many of the posts I’m linking to here are not updated yet, it takes way more time than I realized)

Table of Contents
Our yearly homeschool curriculum picks
Each year I write a post sharing what I think we’ll be using for the year, now almost every year, part of the way through I change something.

- Kindergarten homeschool picks
- First-grade homeschool picks
- Second-grade homeschool picks
- Third-grade homeschool picks
- Fourth-grade homeschool picks, apparently, I never wrote about this
- Fifth-grade homeschool picks
- Sixth-grade homeschool picks
- Seventh-grade homeschool picks
- Eighth-grade homeschool picks
- Ninth-grade homeschool picks
- Tenth-grade homeschool picks
- Eleventh-grade homeschool picks
General homeschool curriculum awesomeness
This is my catch-all for those things that aren’t a particular subject area but are still homeschool related.

- Homeschooling What to Do When You Want to Quit
- Dream Pad pillow (this has helped both my ADHD daughter and myself with sleep and concentration ability)
- Typekids Online Typing Course
- Bridgeway Homeschooling Academy
- Ultimate Guide to Brain Breaks
- Enchanted Homeschool Mom member site
- Homeschooling Preschool (not a curriculum, but what we did for preschool)
- Making the Grade study skills
- How to Homeschool High School
- Field Trip Zoom
Bible homeschool curriculum reviews
We’ve used lots of different Bible resources, and it’s one of my favorite resources to teach, so I like to try all sorts of stuff.

- Sword Study
- Cobblestone Path
- Bible Road Trip
- Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study
- Missions curriculum
- Words in Motion Bible curriculum
- Walk This Way Bible study
- Teaching Your Kids How to Pray
Fine Arts homeschool curriculum reviews
Fine Arts is an area I struggle with, while I enjoy both of them, I am not naturally gifted at teaching the subject. So, I am quite happily using great music and art curriculum others have created.

Foreign Language homeschool curriculum reviews
I have no natural ear for foreign languages, I was quite happy to take sign language in college and not have to mangle accents, so I’m always looking for more ways to learn a new language.

History and Geography homeschool curriculum reviews
I hate the term social studies, I don’t know why, so I’m calling this history and geography, even if it’s bulkier. There are a plethora of great homeschool history curriculum, and there are a few really good homeschool geography curricula, of which I’ve only tried one or two.
Geography curriculum
History curriculum reviews

- Middle Ages Unit Study
- Duct Tape Warfare
- History Rocks Curriculum
- Heritage History review
- What do I need to teach Mystery of History
- Ancient Greece Resource
- History File Folder Games
- Dave Raymond’s Modernity
- Beautiful Feet Books
- How to get the most out of your timelines
- Homeschool History resources
- Election unit
Math homeschool curriculum reviews
In school, I hated math until I had a gifted math teacher in junior high, at which I discovered how much fun math can be.

- Life of Fred Math
- Pirates of Financial Freedom
- Amoeba Math
- Math Gym
- Math U See
- Knowre math
- Mr. D. Life Skills
- Mr. D SAT test prep
- Heron Math
- Beast Academy
- Mr. D self-paced math classes
- Teaching Textbooks
- Math board games
Reading and Writing homeschool curriculum reviews
It’s taken me several tries to find reading and writing homeschool curriculum I liked, a lot of tries, I found stuff great for others, but not me. But, each new curriculum was a new learning experience.
Reading and Spelling curriculum

- Scheduling All About Reading
- All About Spelling
- Sing, Spell, Read, Write
- Lexia Reading
- Adventures in Reading Zig Zag Zebra
- Books Made into Movies (technically not a curriculum, but it’s what I’m using with my older kids)
- Seven Sisters Curriculum
- Ultimate Homeschooling Booklist (also not a curriculum, but useful for reading lists)
- Pathways 2.0
- Lightsail Online Reading Curriculum
Grammar and Writing curriculum

- English from the Roots Up
- Masterbrooks Bible and English Grammar
- WITS tiles
- Applied Grammar
- Classical Copywork
- The Write Start
- Cover Story
- Byline- I apparently need to write this, and it isn’t written like I thought
- Wordsmith Craftsman
- Write Shop

Science homeschool curriculum reviews
In order of favorite homeschool subjects to teach science is my third (after Bible and history), and I love to try out new homeschool science curriculum.

- Air is Not Oxygen: Essential Science you should have learned but probably didn’t
- How to memorize the periodic table of elements
- Dover Science Curriculum
- Nature Study for Preschool
- Apologia Junior Notebooking Journal
- Apologia lapbooks
- Real Science 4 Kids
- Online Homeschool Science
- Weekend Science Labs for High School
- By Design Science Curriculum
- Apologia High School chemistry
- Apologia Health and Nutrition
- MyTek Coding Classes
- By Design Science curriculum
- 42 Electronics
- Interactive Science books
- Smithsonian Science Kits