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How blogging is a blessing to my family
I have been blogging to some extent or another for about 5 years now. Since my boys were that little, awww, look at the quiet sleeping boys. They’re not quiet now.
In that time blogging has become a true blessing to my family. I’ve seen many posts written about the dangers and terrible things that happen when Moms blog, ironically enough, often by “Mommy bloggers,” and there may be many posts on the blessings, but I haven’t seen them shared as much.
Blogging has blessed me with great friends
I could go through and list the friendships I’ve formed over the last several years, but then I’d have 500 words just listing their names and their blogs (and yes this is a picture of my kids’ friends, but I picture my online friends coming over for this party). They have helped me through tragedies I thought would break me as friends and family have died. They have shared great joys with me and rejoiced at changes in my life.
I’m an introvert (read this and laugh with me at the truth), and so I value these friendships that let me be who I am.
Blogging has grown me mentally and spiritually
As I write my blog, and as I homeschool my kids, I’m doing a lot of research to write what I write. I am learning so much as I write. I learned more about the Vietnam War as I taught the kids and wrote about it here than I’d known before because it was still “current events” when I went through high school and my college course the professor chose to teach his pet topics (mining towns, why?????) rather than an overview.
FYI: Current events is classified as anything within the past 20 years, so my high school years were just at the edge of that time. Theoretically after 20 years people will be less passionate and more logical about the events, I don’t really think that’s true.
The more I write about the Bible for you guys the more I’m learning myself. I’ve also been asked great questions that have forced me to look into the information more and more to answer them.
Blogging has humbled me
I’ve watched friends take their blog from nothing to an amazing pillar of the homeschooling community online. I’ve seen other bloggers who I don’t understand their popularity explode into online empires.
Meanwhile, I’ve not seen explosive growth. I’ve grown, but I haven’t had that post that went viral and everyone was sharing it and reading it. And I have to admit I’ve wondered why at times.
I’ve thought about writing on the topics I’ve seen others write about that were popular, but that’s not me. I don’t make cutesy crafts or 2 million variations on the same printable because it’s not me. Or, it’s not where I am now. Once upon a time the kids and I did a lot more crafts, but now they have a very strong vision on crafts and so I just let them go.
So, I’ve learned to be humble and balance who I am with who I want to be.
Blogging blessed me with great contacts
Blogging has brought me into contact with many great people AND companies. I’m trying to be careful here because I don’t want to name drop, but because of blogging I’ve been able to work with great companies (see my disclosure page for some), and that has been both a blessing to us financially, and in learning more about homeschooling.
If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog, or hone your blogging skills, there’s a great deal going on this week. {Affiliate links} iBlog and iBlogPro are bundled together for a great sale, iBlog bundle for $11.99.
19 responses to “How blogging is a blessing to my family”
I love blogging, too. I’ve met lots of friends and learned a lot over the last 5 years. I’ve had a few posts go viral, but there is no rhyme or reason why they did!
The whole going viral thing is a mystery to me. I’ve seen posts with amazing content and great ideas that lay stagnant, and then a random post that is 2 sentences long everyone reads because the picture is amazing. I am always confused by it.
What an encouraging post! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m a new blogger and have pondered the things you addressed. I can see both sides of the issue, but choose to look for the blessings, while striving to keep things in perspective and make my family first and blogging second.
I’m meeting great people, learning lots, and being energized by the creative aspect of blogging. Enjoying the ride!I’ll admit I’ve found keeping the right perspective hard at times, but as long as I keep coming back to why I blog. I remember it much better. I’m glad you enjoyed reading it and that it encouraged you.
Amen, sister! And you are definitely one of my blessings from blogging!
You’re on my list too.
I think this is my favourite post of yours. A little peek into a vulnerable soul. Your honesty is always refreshing, your enthusiasm catching and your support invaluable. I, for one, am terribly glad you blog!
Awww, I’m blushing over here. I’m so glad I blog too because of friends like you I’ve met through blogging.
The community and friendships are definitely what makes blogging worthwhile. I’m glad you post what’s true to you – it’s inspired us more times than I can count.
Thank you so much. Reading the comments on this post and the responses I’ve gotten have been so encouraging to me this week.
LOVED this post. I think you also inspired me to write my own.
I can’t wait to read it.
Oh my gosh, I love this post – and I love your blog. I can tell you I read at least 50+ homeschool blogs and posts and your blog is the only one I read where the author parents the way my parents raised me (open and honest, with courage and bravery (and events that required courage and bravery, like wars and things like that…) – it’s not popular among homeschool families (or pretty much anybody), but I love it anyway.
Also, I had one post somewhat go viral…it was featured on Free Homeschool Deals, and before that, had 1K repins in 2 days…I think the key, specifically since Pinterest in a hot market…is super amazing pictures about something really unique. (That’s why some post with 2 sentences and a great picture become hits)
anyways…I’m done now 🙂 Thanks for your blog.
Those oh so elusive pictures.
I always enjoy when you comment, you’re so enthusiastic about everything. 🙂
I completely agree. Blogging has been a huge blessing in my life.
Yes, blogging has been a blessing to me, too, in so many ways, and as long as I keep it balanced it is a blessing to my family as well.
I’m so glad to have found you!
And now I’m off to be balanced and to do some more housework! LOL
Oh house work, how you trip me up every single time.
I really enjoyed reading this. I don’t benefit monetary from blogging, but I sometimes submit to the sin of envy – envy of the traffic that other people enjoy. I also notice that at least in social media it’s not content that rules, but the pinnable image. I am with you on trying to stay true to myself and write about things I want to write about.
Yes, blogging has been a blessing to me, too, in so many ways, and as long as I keep it balanced it is a blessing to my family as well.
I’m so glad to have found you!
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