create your own doll bed

How to make a doll bed

Or how to get yourself in a lot of trouble. See last Friday I came up with the brilliant idea of giving my kids 3 options: make playdough cookies, go for a walk and take pictures, or make a bed for their new dolls.
Why was this a bad idea, because 2 of them picked the cookies and the third picked the bed. He then spent the next 3 days, which is when I said we would make them since it wasn’t picked, asking if it was time to make them……. All right, let’s learn how to make a doll bed out of recycled materials.

make your very own doll bed

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Supplies needed to make a doll bed

shoebox or another small box (one of them is made out of a trash bag box cut down), cloth, stuffing of some sort, sewing machine or fabric glue

How to make a doll bed

how to make a doll bed choose a fabric and box

1. Let your kid choose what fabric they want to use. Then be completely surprised by their picks.

2. Cut out the fabric. I laid my boxes on top of it and cut an extra two inches all around. That’s so when you stuff it the pillow is still the same size as the box.

sew the mattress for the doll bed
Superman’s great photography skills, I deleted about 10 more that will never see the light of day.

3. Sew around three of the edges with the right (pretty) sides together and turn it inside out. If you don’t have a sewing machine or don’t want to sew glue around 3 edges and wait for the glue to dry. When it’s dry turn it inside out.

how to make a dol bed stuff your mattress
Future Ticia, isn’t she cute in that dress? I remember making it

4. Get your stuffing and let your kid shove it in to their heart’s content. You really can’t overstuff these.

5. Fold in the edges and put the second piece of cloth in there sticking out to be the blanket. Sew the edges shut or glue them. Put this in the box.

6. While you’re doing the sewing or while you’re waiting for the glue to dry decorate the outside of the boxes. My kids cut out construction paper and glued it on and colored it all over. You could pretty much do whatever you want.

Just to confuse me and you Superman is wearing a Batman shirt today and Batman is wearing a Superman shirt. I kept calling them by the wrong name the whole day, and boy did they get mad

How to create your own doll bed using recycling materials

7. Put your pillow/mattress in and tuck your baby in.

batman in his brand new doll bed

Batman even got to take his cape to bed

Ever since they made the beds they’ve been carrying them all over the house for the whole week. It’s been really hilarious and led to some hilarious conversations.

create your own doll bed

B: “I going to movies. You watch the babies.”
S: “I going too. Sleep good babies”
Me: “Who’s going to watch the babies?”
B: “We’ll take them with us. Come on babies.”

It’s so cute, they’re talking about being the babies Daddies, and how they have to take care of the babies and guard them. It’s adorable!

Some more crafty fun for kids

how to make a doll bed


5 responses to “How to make a doll bed”

  1. Orange Juice Avatar
    Orange Juice

    OH MY GOSH! How sweet and soooooo funny! What a great idea. I'm going to have to do that…eventually.
    PS nice foot 😉

  2. Orange Juice Avatar
    Orange Juice

    you should make them baby carriers

  3. jennwa Avatar

    Those are adorable. I love showboxes, they can be used for so many creative things.

    Thanks for sharing such a fun idea with riday Showcase!!!

  4. My son doesn't play dolls much, but he went through a little phase after V was born when he did. He would always say his baby was “crying like baby V,” or “cross, like baby V”. I guess you can tell she was a grumpy baby…

  5. Valerie Avatar

    LOL, “I going too….Sleep good babies”

    Ha Ha Ha

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