It’s been a roller coast of a few months, and I’ve been remiss in posting weekly reviews

I usually try to put a bit of how our week went in the bottom of my Friday post, but these past few months its’ felt like I’ve done good to write a post and get it posted, but I miss writing how things are going.


I have to laugh at the picture the boys taped to their door.  It rather explains their recent viewpoint.  They’ve been very BOY lately, and all that entails.

art museum field trip

We went to the Blanton Art Museum for a field trip with our co-op, and it was really cool, but I’d love to go back and take more time.  It was an abbreviated visit, and there were so many interesting places to talk about.  There’s the constellation piece with all of us laying down and looking at them.  There’s the plywood piece with pockmarks and all sorts of stuff going on to talk about.  Or the art piece of $5000 dollars of pennies with bones, and all sorts of things to talk about the cruelty of building the cathedrals.

It was fascinating to go there, but I wanted to spend hours and hours more.

Alice in Wonderland exhibit

From there we went to a fabulous Alice in Wonderland exhibit at another museum, and I was incredibly happy being a rather big fan of Lewis Carroll.  We got to see different covers, artwork, art inspired by the books, listen to adaptations, watch different movies, and a few crafts.  It was a great field trip, but it was a tiring day because from there I was taking Princess to a sleepover for AHG.


Mommy daughter weekend

Princess and I had a Mommy/daughter weekend, and if you follow me on Instagram you got to see lots and lots of pictures from that weekend as I took pictures of all the activities we did together.  I repeated my annual discovery that I am not made to be the Mom of an only kid.  I give major kudos to moms of onlys.


The kids completed a great Bible study together about siblings, which helped somewhat with their squabbling, but not as much as I’d like.  That’s an area I’m doing a lot of praying in and working on my attitude and theirs.

best field trip ever

We went on the best field trip ever and I was going to take all of these pictures to have these amazing visual references for history, and 10 minutes in my camera died.  And as the day got later and later my phone battery was dying, so I was even losing that.  We left the jousting tournament with my phone at 1% and hoping I would make it to buy a charging cord because I didn’t know how to get home and I needed my phone for directions.

But, seriously this was the best field trip ever.  The kids got to try on armor, we talked to people actually riding in REAL jousts, not the show ones at the festivals, and learn about the importance of different armor, what type of horse is best (a smaller one), what armors were used for what.

And the playscape there?  AMAZING!  They had a giant pirate ship my kids spent 30 minutes playing on , and there was a fort they spent a good 20 minutes running around in.  And the tree houses?  So much cool stuff.

Oh, and Batman met a blacksmith there who thoroughly intrigued him, and now Batman wants to be a blacksmith when he grows up.


I would love to say this is an unusual way for my daughter to be listening to her history lessons, but that would be a lie.  I also frequently see my son standing on his chair and leaning over his desk to write.  It seems to work for them.

pencil pouch worked on

I’ve been working on a pencil pouch, these are pictures of the almost completed project, I finished it earlier this week, and now I need to take lots of pictures and or a video of the whole thing.


We went and saw Love’s Labours Lost, one of Shakespeare’s bawdier plays, which thankfully the kids did not get most of the jokes.


We went down to the Nature Center, which my kids always think is the coolest thing ever.  Here the kids are trading in nature things they found and/or drew for points to buy stuff there.  The boys bought bones, and Princess bought shells.

Princess dance

Princess had her dance recital.  It was quite amusing to see an entire crowd of little girls all doing the dance at different rates.


With all of this business, the kids have been amazingly tired, so I had them take naps one day, and I just had to get pictures of them all spread out.  Princess was only pretending to sleep, but it’s still cute.


We’ve gone for lots of walks, as I’m trying to get a bit more exercise in.  The kids look at this as another time to play and pretend.  Most frequently with cloaks and weapons.


We went out dancing with our small group from church, and there were quite a few Dads dancing with their daughters, and of course Jeff and I got a few steps in.

muddy boys

It’s been raining nonstop, which has added into my malaise, and of course has created lots of mud.  Lots and lots of mud, which my boys always find.

homeschool ready school

I leave you with my very silly little girl supposedly ready for school.


12 responses to “It’s been a roller coast of a few months, and I’ve been remiss in posting weekly reviews”

  1. Wow, you were busy-busy. I love the picture of Princess in tutu – she looks so caught up in the moment. I think you are beating me in the number of pictures you are taking 😉

    1. I love that one too. It makes me happy.

      I’ve had lots of pictures recently, just not a lot of time to write the way I want to. But that can be a good thing too.

  2. Can I please be one of your kids?? What a great life they have!

    1. Yes, come join us!

  3. Curt Nelson Avatar
    Curt Nelson

    The first picture — the sign on the door — made me laugh so hard. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know, it has me laughing too.

  4. You have been busy, but looks like you are having fun! That Alice In Wonderland exhibit looks great. I agree with you that it is harder to raise an only child.

    1. That exhibit was amazing! It made me happy as a clam.

  5. What an incredible week. All the lovely different personalities shone through of each family member. I loved reading this post!
    PS I am totally jealous of your needlework skills!

    1. 🙂 It definitely shows how if you keep working at something for years on end, you’re skills will improve.

  6. So many fun outings! I hope you had a chance to nap once or twice as well 😉

    1. Nap? What is that? I got to sleep in today, until almost 9:00.

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