June 2017 Homeschooling Month in Review, how am I surviving?

Everyone talks about getting to summer and having a break. In my head I think that will happen, and then summer gets here, and it’s so insanely busy, and I’m caught thinking, “When will summer be over? When can we get back to our regular homeschooling life?”

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June Week 1

We’ll call this the calm before the storm. It was a wonderful week of playing with friends, an art lesson from Playful Pet Portraits*, and a trip to a local state park where we were supposed to meet friends, but we ended up going to different parts of the park (two watering holes you can swim in).

We worked on some Texas geography with each of the kids being assigned a different task to illustrate. That was fun to see how they interpreted it, because every kiddo’s project was very different.


Ready to play the evil spirit in our #biblestorytime and I can’t wait to see how this goes.

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The kids helped me film the parable of the Unclean Spirits, which I’ll hopefully actually get written up. I haven’t liked how any of the crafts I attempted to model for this came out, so I want to change it up.

that’s our small games box, which needs to be purged

We made one of our semi-monthly attempts to get our games organized. I need to do another round of culling of games, and maybe move some of the games over from “games to be played as games” to “games my boys use to create other games.” Since we buy high quality games (read more expensive with parts that aren’t cardboard), we have lots of cool pieces to make up our games.  The boys raid the games for their pieces and create glorious worlds with wodden or plastic figures, and build great expanses with their different game pieces.

Then we played a round of Smash Up.


I’m somehow coming up with 5 weeks in June, so maybe this all happened in the last week of May???????? I’m so confused.

June Week 2

We will call this the week I was sick. I also made the classic getting better from being sick mistake of “I’m feeling so much better, and I can do everything.” Which would immediately result in my feeling absolutely miserable the very next day, and spending another day sick.

Yes, at almost 40 years old I have still not learned to let my body properly recover after being sick. This is a standing family joke.

This meant our week was filled with me watching movies, and reading lots of books, of which I remember nothing. Though I did take a picture of my kids’ movies choices.

Oh, and during one of my “I have so much energy stints” I created a ‘to be graded’ and a ‘to be filed’ box.

Oh, and in that week we celebrated our anniversary, which was super fun.

June Week 3

This would be the Mommy Daughter week of awesomeness. My boys went away to Houston with the church youth group to teach Bible clubs and learn how to teach them.

So we had tea parties, she had friends over, we watched movies the boys would hate, and we made a special book and a movie for the cousins, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs*.

We also fixed the car, one of a long series of car repairs this past month or so. Then Jeff and Princess headed up to Dallas to help his parents with some house repair stuff, and I had a weekend with just the boys.  This meant quite the opposite kind of movies, no crafts, no tea parties, and lots of games played (Transamerica and Munchkin)


June Week 4

We jokingly called this week the eye of the hurricane, but it really wasn’t any less busy than the other weeks, so I don’t know why we called it that.

Apparently it was so busy I have almost no pictures, but we had playdates, we watched our cousins, ran so many errands. I honestly don’t even remember what was going on that week.

Oh! We had a murder mystery dinner with my brother and sister-in-law and the kids, because Superman really wanted to try one. That was hilarious.


June Week 5

There are not 5 weeks in June, but I got off on my pictures somehow. This is Rock the Rock week, that means it is insanely busy here, and then it got more complicated when my sister-in-law went out of town and I was watching her kids on Tuesday. So here goes.

Monday- the calm before the storm, we read, we were lazy, and life was good.

Tuesday- we worked on Knowre math for our summer math. I’m really enjoying it and thinking we might just use it for our math next year.  We’ll see. Then the kids did some reading and writing for a project I’m working on. At 11:00 we picked up the cousins and grabbed a quick lunch, before heading home for the afternoon. At 1:45 my Mom came to sit with the kids so I could drop the boys off for Rock the Rock. I got back home, the cousins continued playing, and at 6:00 we went to Rock the Rock and watched the boys teach. Then headed home where all 5 cousins attempted to convince me to let them stay up, not happening.

Wednesday- the cousins watched Jumanji together after reading it. I told the kids we’d watch it again with fun snacks another time. Then we made a mad dash to Salvation Army to get shirts for our trip to the Navajo Reservation. At which point Princess’ friend came over to play, I dropped the boys off at Rock the Rock, the girls kept playing, and then the rest of the family headed there to watch them.

Thursday- They did their “summer school work” and then a bit of cleaning, and just as we were finishing that up the boys got invited over to a friend’s house for some Dungeons and Dragons, and so I’ll be picking them up this afternoon to take them to Rock the Rock and a quick run for other clothes for the trip (we leave the clothes we wear for the trip there to be given to kids who don’t have enough clothes).  Then Princess is helping my Mom take her dogs to the vet, and then back to Rock the Rock (I’m writing this Thursday morning). And Rock the Rock for everyone, and collapse at home.

Friday (My guesses)- maybe watch Around the World in 80 Days (we finished reading it), Princess might have a friend over, we definitely have Rock the Rock that night, and the boys might have D&D again.

Saturday- collapse in exhaustion


6 responses to “June 2017 Homeschooling Month in Review, how am I surviving?”

  1. Phyllis at All Things Beautiful Avatar
    Phyllis at All Things Beautiful

    I know how you feel. We have been super busy and having lots of fun! I love your mix of activities. There is so much variety that it feeds everything a mind, body and soul could need.

    1. It really did, though this summer has been way too busy, I’m finally sitting down to reply and it’s almost the end of July.

  2. You have been super busy! This last week was rough here, because we got our condo ready to show. Something we’ll have to do all over again in about a month.

    1. It is always a lot of work to get a house ready to show, so I feel for you.

  3. What a busy month! You should get out and do some traveling to keep things simple 🙂 I can’t believe that half of summer already flew by!

    1. Ha ha ha ha, my traveling last week was not relaxing, like you’d think it might be, but it was a good opportunity for all of us.

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