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June 2020 Homeschooling
June started off with a bang, well at least for us, you’ll read all about that in the first week, and after that I’m pretty sure the events for week one will dominate the pictures for the month
(probably some affiliate links in here)
June Week 1
For the less exciting stuff.
Typhoon Texas opened up, so we started our summer of swimming with spending Tuesday there. It was a lot of fun, and no one ended up sunburned, so that’s always a good thing.
Oops, I totally forgot to put that picture in, but for our No Technology Night, we took part in a Harry Potter Digital Escape Room, which is kind of no technology, but it was a lot of fun to go through and we got through it pretty fast.
It’s only allowed to be up during the Quarantine, or that’s what I’ve heard, but we had fun with it.
Superman made soup for dinner for everyone, and that didn’t go quite as well as you could have hoped primarily because I didn’t have a recipe card for chicken noodle soup, so I had to seriously help with a freaked out teen. Eventually dinner was made but he had to learn quite a lot about that.
Finally, WE GOT A PUPPY!
Her name is Leezard, after a family joke, and she’s so much fun. The kids are going crazy about her, and we’re working hard to train her.
She’s not too helpful for schoolwork, but the good news is we are in summer schedule now, so it’s not too hard to work in playing with a puppy.
June week 2
This week started with small group, and when we went to the park I found a minivan turned into the Mystery Machine, which of course meant I had to get a picture of it.
We’ve started working through the Elections pack, and that has been fun as Princess has very strong feelings. I pre-cut the minibooks for the kids for the most part to cut down on complaints, and it really helps the lesson go smoother.
Leezard continues to grow and is now able to climb up onto the furniture, which is amusing.
I updated my sugar cookie recipe with new pictures and links to some of the many book and a movie links where I used that recipe.
As part of our study of Greece, the country, we read about Archimedes and did a general review of ancient Greek philosophers. As part of that we looked at the ability to float and tried out 10 different items. The kids decided Leezard would be the final item, which was a rather fun as she didn’t quite like being dropped in a tub of water.
Friday night we watched Artemis Fowl, which was…. special. Okay, it was horrid. But, we all enjoyed the snacks from our Artemis Fowl movie night. We followed it up the next night by watching Austenland, which I was meh on.
On the other hand, I LOVED the book. But, watching The Wiz, from The Show Must Go On was a lot of fun. The costumes and voices were AMAZING.
Oh, and the very small picture right smack dab in the middle is everyone working on repairing the fence. Our goal is to have Leezard well-enough trained that we don’t have to train her to an electric fence if we can. But that also requires having a solid fence.
And that great big picture in the top right corner is Princess modeling a gag present for a friend. She made her a bubble wrap suit because I swear that girl could get hurt just walking in her house.
June Week 3
Well look at that, I didn’t get this week written right away. Our homeschooling is starting to ramp up for next year, and I think this will be my last 9th grade post because I might start 10th grade early.
We started the week watching Austenland, which I’d read for the book and a movie for the month. It was fun. I loved the book, but the movie was… okay. It really wasn’t as good as it could be. I probably won’t give the movie to my mother-in-law, but she might enjoy the book. I’m still trying to decide.
The picture at the top middle is a drawn of one of the battles from the American Revolution, I’m still trying to decide if I like this style of image.
That middle picture is why we might be starting school early. I’ve been getting complaints the kids are bored, and so I’m thinking of starting up science early just to give them something to do.
Hey, if you tell me you’re bored while I’m still desperately planning your next school year this is what is going to happen.
Final picture on the top row, Princess made a bubble wrap jacket for her friend who keeps getting injured. She had a blast giving it to her friend and just talking.
Middle row!
We watched Mortal Engines and made so many jokes about people wearing masks in the movie just like people are now. Superman wants to buy the rest of the series, so he can read it and see what’s going to happen next.
I’m working through a study on Lydia with the 8th grade girls (soon to be 9th grade girls) and we’ve enjoyed learning all about her and the prayer challenges to talk through with the girls. You can’t really read it, but that week we were praying for all of the different facets of our church.
That bottom row is a picture of Jesus from my Grandpa, my Aunt gave me that picture years ago because she knew I would love it, and I do. He looks so loving, and it’s also a great way to talk about how people view Jesus.
Next up are two pictures from my boys’ birthday party, it was another year of Nerf gun wars and generally having a blast with a giant crowd. We actually had an insanely crowded house that weekend as we also had friends staying with us for the weekend, so that night we probably had around 20 people there.
And finally week 4
I had so many pictures from this week, I ran out of space to fit it into the collage. Here goes the crazy.
Leezard is getting bigger and bigger. The kids tried to drop her on Jeff to give him a back rub, and that was not as successful as you might think. She also can get into our trash can pretty easily, so we had to pick up a new trash can today (June 30). She also likes to climb up on my shoulder and chew on my ponytail. As you can see I don’t particularly like it.
I played Battle Bots with the boys, it’s one of the games they got at their birthday party. It’s a fun competitive game, though the gameplay was somewhat hampered by none of us particularly enjoying the “screw over the other player” dynamic that is also in the game.
We watched the final movie for the month Matilda, and I forgot to make about three of the snacks. That’s what happens when you make snacks based off of text messages from your daughter. She mainly wanted to read the book so she could understand the context of the songs from the musical Matilda. We all came out of it wondering what Roald Dahl’s childhood was like, and what broke him so badly.
Finally, we started, okay really I just started taking pictures) the Homeschool in the Woods Elections lapbook. I love all the little minibooks in the thing, but really dislike putting together all of those pieces. THat part is really no fun, but the books look so cool afterward.
I did accidentally order the wrong brads for putting some of the books together, I ordered mini brads instead of the full-size brads I kind of want, but the mini brads do seem to more or less work.
Next up we started off Boundary Stone government class on Monday. So far we’ve done all of one day’s lesson and the discussions were great. Our first discussion was pretty awesome, and I’m looking forward to the daily discussions, this is the type of class that really does well with discussion, and it’s helping the kids learn HOW to discuss charged topics.
Oh and because of the surge in cases here in Texas, they’re starting to close some things down again AND masks are being required. Some of that makes sense, but some of it is rather ridiculous, like masks as we go into the water park, but not while we’re actually in the park. It’s pretty high on the annoying scale.
9th Grade Months in Review
- August 2019
- September 2019
- October 2019
- November 2019
- December 2019
- January 2020
- February 2020
- March 2020
- April 2020
- May 2020
2020 in Review
One response to “June 2020 Homeschooling”
Yeah, June was a doozy for Texas (and California) in terms of COVID cases. The interesting part will be about the fallout – will it be a “mild flu” or another “refrigerators for dead” spike. I rather hope for the former! Leezard looks adorable – how exciting for you all!
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