Days of Creation prayer stations Genesis Old Testament

Let’s pray through the Days of Creation!

I’m not necessarily good at prayer. I struggle to focus because my mind whirls to different places. That’s why I like prayer stations. It gives me something to do as I pray, which helps my focus. I guess I’m confessing my attention span is on the level of a young child. As I work through each Bible lesson I’m trying to add prayer stations for each lesson. The Days of Creation prayer stations were a fun idea to put together.

Days of Creation prayer station supplies

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Days of Creation prayer station supplies

Days of Creation prayer station supplies

Days of Creation unit printable (or get the bundle), coffee filter, small cup, markers, empty bottle, blue glitter, blue food dye, water, oil, copy paper, cotton balls, essential oils, play dough, play sand, small rocks, craft sticks, plastic containers

In the Days of Creation unit, there’s a supply list, and a step by step pictures of all you need to put together the whole activity.

Now, let’s get into the Days of Creation prayer stations!

Let’s pray through the Days of Creation!

Let's pray through the Days of Creation

With each station, in the printable, there is a verse and then instructions for that station. While I tried to come up with prayers for each day, there are some days that lend themselves a bit more to prayers in Sunday School (like, you’re not likely to go outside and look at the stars, since it’ll be the middle of day).

These are designed so you can go to any station in any order because it allows everyone to have some time to pray at each station, and how long they take isn’t a big deal.

Days of Creation prayer station 1 coffee filter marker cup with water

Our first station is Day 1, the creation of light. This takes advantage of how water spreads out ink, and lets you take the time to pray for those who are in the dark and need the light of God to come into their lives.

Days of Creation prayer station 2 glitter calm down bottle

Day 2 God separates the waters above from the waters below, so we’ll take some time to thank God for all the cool water He created. As you shake up the sensory bottle and wait for it to separate and calm down, thank God for the amazing waters He’s made.

Like seriously, it’s amazing

I didn’t bother updating the button on this one, it’s still an amazing picture.

I mean, who can see something like this and not think, “Wow that’s amazing!”

Days of Creation prayer stations 3 flying creatures paper markers

Now, if you’re going to freak out at paper airplanes, this might not be one you want to do, but it’s a great way to capitalize on the fact that the boys are going to be making paper airplanes anyway, so why not steer it into a useful direction?

These prayer stations focus a lot on thanking God for His creation, which in all honesty is a great thing to get from the Creation lesson, God really made some amazing stuff.

Days of creation prayer station 4 cotton balls essential oils plastic containers

In actuality, plants were created before flying creatures, so in reality, this would be earlier, but I took pictures in a different order.

I grabbed a variety of essential oils and thoroughly soaked the cotton balls in them, if you want to contain the smell, you could put the lids on the containers and only take them off when smelling the cotton balls (back in the days of film cameras, this would be where you’d use the film canisters to hold them, I rather miss those little plastic containers, score! I just found film canisters on Amazon).

days of creation prayer station 5 sand plastic container rocks popsicle stick

This is a bit of an odd one, but no one really likes to work, or many don’t. If my childhood is any example, you really don’t like to do chores, but chores were there even before the fall.

This is a chance to ask God to change your mind on work. As you arrange the rocks in the sand and draw lines with the popsicle stick ask for a happy heart as you work.

Days of Creation prayer station 6 markers paper

I have to admit these prayer stations are a lot more drawing and creating things because that’s what God was doing during the Days of Creation (Duh Ticia, why are you stating the obvious, because I am, I don’t know why).

But, God is right, it’s not good for man to be alone, so He’s right we need someone to keep us from going crazy and being on track.

So, let’s draw a picture of one of your friends and thank God for that friend.

days of creation prayer station 7 play dough

For some reason when I was taking pictures, the only playdough I could find in my entire house was magnetic thinking putty, which looks truly odd when taking pictures of it.

I find it interesting everything else God spoke into existence, but man. Man, God formed with His own hands, then breathed the breath of life into their nostrils.

It’s a lot more personal, which I quite like.

And that’s my Days of Creation prayer stations

Days of Creation prayer stations Genesis Old Testament

What do you think, do you have a station you would add in, or a change to one of my stations?

More Bible lessons

Creation Prayer Stations for your Sunday School


One response to “Let’s pray through the Days of Creation!”

  1. I love this. So creative and transforms how we look at prayer.

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