bookworm presents

Presents for your Bookworm Friend

If you follow my blog on Facebook, you’ve probably seen dozens of bookworm memes. Jokes about not pronouncing words because you’ve only read them. Jokes about hiding with a good book. On Instagram you’ll occasionally see posts about reading all day in a cuddly blanket. Over the years I’ve been given some amazing literary presents. I’m not talking new books, those are ALWAYS awesome, but presents that show your love of reading which inspired this literary gift guide. Things that could make playful additions to reading lessons, okay not really, unless your reading lessons are like mine sometimes cuddled up in blankets with a cuppa tea…. On to our literary gift guide

literary gift guide for your friends

Oh, and for this literary gift guide, I’m going to assume if they wanted a book light, they’d already have it. I’m looking for those fun quirky things that say “I love books and I’m not afraid to wear it.”


(This post contains affiliate links, and y’all I’d go in just to fix this one thing and find more cool stuff!)

All I need is a cup of tea, a good book, and a blanket

Let’s be honest, I’d be super happy if I had a nice cup of tea, a good book, and a blanket.

It’s even better if those items show your love of reading.

So grab your “a little shelf-ish mug” and start reading. Or if you want a bit more elegant try this great Jane Austen quote cup. Or this one, Yes I really need these books. I keep finding more every time I search for other ideas I know exist.

Pick up some book-inspired teas from NovelTeaTins. The tins alone amuse me. I didn’t find a book inspired coffee, but this coffee and classics subscription looks amusing.

AHHHH! I just found these Novelteas, the book puns!

And if you’re a heathen and add something to your tea (or coffee), use this fun spoon to stir in your cream and sugar.

Of course, you then need a nice blanket to wrap yourself up in, and I personally think this fleece bookshelf blanket looks super warm. I’m partial to the fleece blankets rather than the tapestry because my experience with the other has them getting snagged and threads going wonky.

Make some fun bookish snacks with this cookbook. If you want to go all out, check out my book and a movie posts for some fun book inspired movie nights. I’ve got stuff for all ages (though, those aren’t presents so much, unless you buy and give the book/movie).

Peter Pan tote bag

You can carry your books and paraphernalia with these great book totes using covers for classic books. Use the code AdventuresinMommydom20 for 20% off anything in the store, no minimum purchase.

This super cool puzzle book box would also be fun. I’ve got a non-puzzle book box that I love to keep notebooks in.


The what to wear part of this literary gift guide


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They insisted on sitting in my chair, so I sat on them. Then I asked for my phone to get a picture and my daughter happily obliged. #raisingteens #parentingteensisfun

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Wear your favorite book with a Lithograph t-shirt. My husband gave me Peter Pan and the Blue Fairy book a few years ago, when I wear it, I’m never stuck without something to read. I couldn’t find a picture of me wearing my Lithograph t-shirt, but I did find my “If You Can Read This Shirt, I was FORCED to put my book down and rejoin society” shirt. Yep only pictures where you can see part of it. Grumble.

I also love this Mercutio drew first shirt. I REALLY want it.


If you’re like me, and your hands are always cold, then you want to wear gloves all the time. These fingerless gloves from Storiarts (if you click that link you get $15 off your $50 order, and I will too!) are amazing! My best friend has a pair and I’m so jealous (actually as I’m typing right now, my fingers are CRAZY cold. Texas got a cold snap, so it’s in the high 50s. I know, not really that cold, but when you can’t find any of your fingerless gloves at the moment, it sure feels cold.

This library book necklace is so much fun!

bookworm presents

What are your favorite literary gifts you’ve gotten? I’m always on the lookout for more.

Find more gift guides at Christmas Gift Guides by iHomeschool Network



2 responses to “Presents for your Bookworm Friend”

  1. Thank you for this. I think I know what we are giving to our best friend who loves books 🙂

    1. YAY! There are so many on here that I want, or that I already own.

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