Local Christmas memories

With all of the grandparents and aunts and uncles in short driving range we get to celebrate 3 Christmases.  At the time of this writing we’ve had 2 of them (with my family and our own celebration).

So, I give you photo evidence of the chaos that ensued, and Aunt Tara was kind enough to take pictures that day, so I’m actually in pictures!


The highlight for the kids was seeing Aunt Jenn open the presents for “Baby C” as they are eagerly awaiting the birth of a new cousin.  The most amusing part for the adults was watching my Mom eagerly wait for everyone to open their presents so she could remember what she got them.


I love that the kids were so excited about what they were giving other people.  They were very impatient for me to open my presents from them, and it was fun to open them and see.



Princess was super proud of finding a nativity night light for me, “It’s special because it has baby Jesus.”



We got a lot of laughs out of Mom’s wrapping this year, she decided to use newspapers to continue an old family tradition, but since she didn’t get the newspaper she was limited to what came in the mail.  So, I got a young black man on one of my presents, Princess had guns from Academy………..  Not that our unique brand of wrapping is much better……..


I hope everyone had a good Christmas, I’m about to leave for Dallas to see Jeff’s side of the family.


8 responses to “Local Christmas memories”

  1. It looks like you are all having a great time! Merry Christmas.

  2. This looks like a great Christmas! Have fun in Dallas!!!

  3. Sounds like a great time had been had by all. Merry Christmas!

  4. It looks like you guys had a great time and made some awesome memories.

  5. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Looks like lots of fun being had by all – enjoy part 3!

  6. Three Christmases! That is great! I love all of the pictures! I hope you are having fun in Dallas! My sister and her husband were just in Dallas (actually over Thanksgiving); they are HUGE Cowboys fans.

  7. It looks like a fun Christmas. It's great that you actually got to be in some pictures too!
    Little Wonders' Days

  8. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog Avatar
    Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    What GREAT photos!! I love spotting rare Ticia sightings like these on your blog. 😀

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